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THE PROPOSAL to sell off the Goods Vehicle Test stations was privatisation for its wn sake and not in the interest of improving...
— is back next week. He takes issue ith Reg Dawson's views expressed in M. There are many who disagree with the )ullient Ralph....
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NEW TRANSPORT SECRETARY Tom King has ditched the long-standing controversial plans to privatise the heavy goods vehicles...
THE DECISION to scrap the sale of the stations to Lloyd's was a victory for the Vehicle Operators' Advisory Panel, its...
This will involve using the consultancy and computer studies undertaken for Lloyds, for which the Government is paying it...
could disappear from tl Road Haulage Association if its latest proposals for reorganisatk are endorsed by members. Former...
THE INDUSTRY'S campaign for down-licensing of lorries which run consistently below their gross plated weight was repeated last...
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RTHER MEETINGS between lustry representatives and the partment of Transport are ex;led to take place before the 31 Regulations...
THERE ARE NOW over 13,000 employee/pensioner/family shareholders in the National Freight Consortium, following the latest...
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ANOTHER 170 jobs are to gc the Rolls-Royce diesel eng factory at Shrewsbury, it announced last week. The redundancies involve...
STAND-BY MEASURES for I rationing in the event of an ternational oil and petrol cr are being prepared by the I Commission....
A LOSS of export business in the Middle East and Africa depressed York Trailer's profits in the first half of this year. The...
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)ebts sink compan ‘PPEAL to win back the standard operator's licence of transport :rector Rosswood of Sheffield failed last...
SCOTTISH commercial vehicle operators want an advisory role in the running of Caledonian MacBrayne, the state-owned West Coast...
A SOUTH WALES company that lost its standard operator's licence was given a second chance to continue in business after the...
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ANOTHER post-privatisation reorganisation at National Freight will streamline the management of NFC's activities in Northern...
MORE TRAFFIC is using the Humber Bridge — 2.7m vehicles last year — the HB Board's annual meeting was told last month. But the...
Roads cruise ROADS is organising a transpor seminar/cruise in September t< assist hauliers who may bi sending their vehicles...
SCOTTISH haulier James Kelman Transport and Storage has set up a new integrated distribution service for wines and spirits with...
A BRITISH Electric Traction Group haulage company has launched a trailer rental service in Leicester. Murphy Transport...
AS A RESULT of a feature in CM last week which looked at th legality of over-sized demountable-bodied vehicles, Silentnight ha...
CLEANAWAY has acquired three companies which will mated into the company's Waste Services Division. be amalga In Leicester, the...
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HE DECISION to scrap the priitisation of vehicle testing (see 3) has been welcomed by the us and Coach Council, which rst...
IAN ALLAN, of Shepperton, has published the latest addition of The Little Red Book at £10.95. The 1983-4 edition contains the...
OPERATORS running day and weekend trips to France and Belgium are being advised that their passengers should carry permanent or...
PENSIONERS and life-long Conservative voters are to be wooed by the Labour-controlled Greater London Council as part of its...
EARER bus travel in Edinburgh mt — is on the cards before the — with fares rising by nearly 10 per end of this month. And...
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LOW FELL COACHES must wait Newcastle service competing wit continue. The Northern Traffic Commissioners have reserved their...
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New team at MAN - VW AN-VW Truck and Bus has ma arketing and after sales departm Geoffrey Morgan becomes . oduct manager within...
YLAND TRUCKS new marting manager is Rod England, io was responsible for product inning at Karrier Motors, the itish...
AN INTERNAL reorganisation of City of Oxford Motor Services, the National Bus subsidiary currently operating under the fleet...
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Want a new starter motor? THE LUCAS CAV range starter motors has been e tended with the introduction the S152 which is claimed...
FROUDE CONSINE of Worcester sor-based engine timing system within ±1/2 degree of crankshaft r Using non-intrusive sensors, it...
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HE FIRST of a new tandemeered 38-tonne conversion for eddon Atkinson 400-Series active units has been de'loped by Preston...
REFUELLING of earth-moving equipment on difficult sites is made easier by this all-terrain tanker from Whale Tankers of...
NORMAND COMMERCIAL Vehicles, a member of the Allied Lyons Group, has opened a second ERF vehicle dealership at 'Greenwich, to...
IE FIRST ten 38-tonne tri-axle 3-tilt semi-trailers built by Al vmational Motor Engineering Maldon, Essex have gone into rvice...
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AUTOSTEER Controls of Yeadon, West Yorkshire has completed an order worth more than f_24,000 for 60 of its air-operated power...
THE WORKS Department of the London Borough of Camden has acquired two of these Scarab cleansing vehicles in time for autumnal...
THE HIGHLY successful CM Accessories and Components Exhibition is to be staged again next year. The exhibition will be held at...
Wasteway WASTEAWAY of East Harlin! Norfolk is offering to hire Whale-built semi-trailer vacuui waste tankers of 23,630 lit...
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LT terminates here R A CABINET MINISTER in a !vernment solidly opposed to ste ownership, Transport cretary Tom King has had an...
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, eat strides )UR correspondent T. rruthers (Dear Sir, CM, July attempts to mislead recovery erators in his comments on gham...
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IEOS and toilets, fridges and verys have all done their bit make the prospect of a 36jr coach trip at the start of a :night's...
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8_,(c4ggpz8mTia pull by le rules ( NOMINATION for the title of rt e most Misunderstood ropean Economic Community titution" is...
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VAS a hot, humid Saturday in y, the sort better spent sipg a cool drink in a pub than )uing for a coach at Victoria 3ch...
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:KAGING is an important asof any product and travel is exception. Accordingly, ly coach operators today are ising the...
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NDON TRANSPORT is to 'vide tip-up seats at bus stops weary and infirm passengers well as the youngsters who incapable of...
THE hottest summer for 'en years the West Yorkshire rsenger Transport Executive taken to the water. Iterbuses are now...
:IND of memorial service on eels was recently held in riour of Harry Cawthorne, inder of the haulage and ;ch firm of Majestic...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association scored 10 out of 10 for its rapid and comprehensive assistance to the Press in understanding...
THE MONKEY Sanctuary at Looe, Cornwall, has been advertising for a "young man, 22-35 . . to join our family team." Applicants...
ABOUT 90 years ago one of the London bus companies took a series of street photographs to teach drivers their routes, although...
LET'S PARK this Peterbilt recovery vehicle, owned by Dave Rackham, of Auto Renovations, outside Ken Livingstone's place, knock...
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THE GOVERNMENT, to no one's surprise, is going ahead with the plans announced before the General Election to alter the law...
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e you going off the rails hen you choose to go by 3in7 David Wilcox has been ading through the timebles to see how coach serces...
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,LMOST a year since I took a I Tiger 245 around our h test. That particular vehicle ZF manual gearbox and a Dominant body....
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TWO SPECIAL OFFERS are available on tachograph chart analysis. One is the Foster Randomcheck service. This offers a basic...
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ITE CLAIMS by truck and nanufacturers to the con, their vehicles do ocinally breakdown for a y of reasons ranging from rely...
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SADLY, I must disclose that I have not been over-impressed by the quality of the tourist "guides" that I have met on my limited...
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Home truths for hauliers PERHAPS the most revealing remark in the latest Business Ratios Report on road hauliers issued by...
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uaMElfn i PISTON ringliner combinais one which is ignored by . ators until something goes lg. Considering the thermal...