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Recognized in Business Circles as the Leading Journal. The Authority on all forms of Motor Transport. Largest Circulation....
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A LTHOUGH many of our manufacturers realize that, in..order to compete against the prices ruling for lorries imported from...
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Of stripping coal at skinning grove. That 0'20 will be a Leap Year in the dark. That the travelling public has to stand a lot...
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Trade with India. A comprehensive report on the conditions and prospects of British trade in India at the close of the war by...
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A proposal is under consideration to hold an automobile exhibition in Copenhagen in the early part of next year. It would...
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Southern Traction, Ltd., Criterion Car'age, St. Mary's Road, Southampton, have recently opened a large depot in -this town for...
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, B.S.A. Tools, Ltd..-has been re g istered w ith a capital of £500,000 in £1 shares to ac q uire the g oodwill of that branch...
Nottin g ham manufacturers and others, actin g throu g h the medium of the Chamber of Commerce, have evolved a plan in...
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The Increases Ordered by the Minist er of Transport under the New Act. T HE NEED for the revision of railway freight rates...
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Mess Production. The Increased Cost of Non-essentials. H OW WE BRITISHERS do cherish a catch phrase, once we have got hold of...
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A Vehicle for a Gross Load of 36 Cwt. Unit Construction. Pneumatic Tyres Optional. F ROM THE INCEPTION of their dealings in...
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T HE GREAT NEED of the day for motor users, and especially for commercial motor users, is an abundant supply of cheap fuel ; a...
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N /J l'" LETTER BAG indicates that a very keen interest is being taken by , users of commercial motors in the cost of running...
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A Few Points from a User's Notebook on Important Matters for Attention when Settling the Design of the Vehicle. I T GOES...
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A Multi-jet Carburetter with 300 jets Using Paraffin Fuel. By Henry Stetriney. i bx NYTHING WHICH will reduce the cost of...
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An American Production of Simple but Substantial Design. T HE STEWART MOTOR CO: began the manufacture of motor lorries in...
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I N ANY ACT of Parliament it is usual to include definitions for the purpose of indicating exactly the nature of the articles...
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Where the Well-known Stearn Tipping Carts, Road Rollers, and Agricultural Tractors are Made. D URINC+ A RECENT. trip to Leeds...
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The 1920 Tractor Trials. /_ T IS HOPED that the prospective clash of tractor trials in 1920 between tue Royal Agricultural...
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The Napier Factory. S ITUATED on the Uxbridge Road, a, bus and tram reute and a principal artery westward from London, the...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of The Book of the Ford "). W HEN THE valve stems and valve guides get worn sifter a very long...
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• • The Editer invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of COMInercial motors. Letters should be on one...
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A PRIZE OP TEN SHILLINGS is atharded each week to the sender of the best letter which we publish on this page ; all others are...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. Col. D. J. Smith ' s gas producer appears to be developing on lines which would hardly...