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O NE of the most interesting developments at the recent Congress of the International Union of Public Transport, held in...
"All Oils are the A MEMBER ⢠of our staff Same," Says Garage rm recently called at a garage Hand near Stony Stratford for...
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Of those logging men as nice fellers." That " buying goodwill" is not sufficient, it must be maintained by efficient service...
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C LOSING the hearing of the application of Halifax Corporation for higher charges recently, the Yorkshire Licensing Authority...
A GREENIENT has been reached between Northern Roadways, Ltd., and Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd.. whereby passengers whose bookings...
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1 .- N N July 17, a preliminary sitting of 'Lithe Transport Tribunal to deal with the London Transport Executive's scheme for...
T HE validity of certain war-time emergency permits relating to public service vehicles, road passenger services, and drivers...
D EMONSTRATIONS during the open day at the Motor Industry Research Association's proving ground, last week. included runs of...
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F RE introduction of its new charges schedule has been deferred by 'ickfords New Furniture Carriage ;ervice. This has been done...
J NE of the biggest problems for the Road Haulage Executive was the :mat rise in traffic, Mr. Frank Lever, raffle...
guidance of local authorities and heir officers, "Storage of Petroleumpirit," a book recently published, also ontains much of...
WITH the one exception of tractors. IN the registrations of new vehicles for April, excluding cars and motorcycles, show a fall...
A T the 53rd annual general meeting of the Potteries Motor Traction Co.. Ltd., on June 26, the chairman and managing director,...
May 7t) Otalted 0,942.000, making an aggregate 'of 'f28,523,000 for the first 20 weeks of the year. State-owned provincial...
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T HE Government of India has accepted most of the recommendations of an expert committee on the automobile industry, according...
WITH the object of obtaining a W uniform vehicle-taxation system, the Government of India has circulated a draft bill to State...
A S from September 1. different rates of tariff are to be imposed on a variety of goods, following recent negotiations at...
RilEMBERSHIP of the ceniral 1,Y1 England section of the Omnibus Passengers' Protection Association is now 22,30Iâmore than...
I N the Chancery Division this week, Mr. Justice Roxburgh confirmed a reduction of the capital of T. M. Fairclough and Sons,...
B ECAUSE such a large number of ' , Chloride and Exide batteries is in use on the South Bank site of the Festival of Britain,...
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1N its annual report, the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association expresses concern at the efforts by the Inland Revenue...
P LANS are in hand for the BendixWestinghouse brake-adjusting device to be made by the Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Lincoln. All...
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T HROUGH all the vicissitudes of the past few years, the road and rail negotiating committees have continued to function. They...
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Ltd., Nottingham, has a transport problem of unusual size and complexity. Cycles are dispatched to dealers all over the United...
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Day-to-day running of the fleet is ciked after by the garage, which ;o undertakes complete repair work all the vans stationed...
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'VlDENCE of careful examination ⪠of current Continental design actice is visible in the latest bodywk constructed by...
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ENGINE BALANCE T ECHNICALITIES of balancing, as applied to reciprocating engines, hae represented an established text-book...
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T °WARDS the front of the Foden rear-engined coach the noise of the power unit is practically inaudible to the passenger, and...
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as difficult as finding the correct solution for a football pool. Potential buyers of a commercial vehicle chassis would be...
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A LTHOUGH 1 am only a bus driver, I cannot share with Mr. A. A. M. Durrant his enthusiasm for the hydraulic coupling and...
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June 8, the road systems in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Keny.s, Southern - Rhodesia, Nyasaland, the Belgian Congo,...
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T O operate a fleet of vehicks for over 20 years without a single mishap to the goods carried is certainly an enviable record....
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M ⢠ANY of the.inquiries T get about the ton-mile come from transport managers of companies operating fleets of vehicles...
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A RESILIENT mounting for the rear end of an engine is disclosed in patent No. 653,094, by Guy Motors, Ltd., and G. Roberts,...