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Rate Plan For New Furniture Deferred
F RE introduction of its new charges schedule has been deferred by 'ickfords New Furniture Carriage ;ervice. This has been done to enable n accountant appointed by the British......
Traffic Increase At R.h.e. Bristol Depot
J NE of the biggest problems for the Road Haulage Executive was the :mat rise in traffic, Mr. Frank Lever, raffle superintendent of the Bristol disrict, told Bath traders last......
;torage Of Petroleum - Spirit A Lthough Written Mainly...
guidance of local authorities and heir officers, "Storage of Petroleumpirit," a book recently published, also ontains much of interest to those underakings holding bulk supplies......
April Registrations Down
WITH the one exception of tractors. IN the registrations of new vehicles for April, excluding cars and motorcycles, show a fall in all categories as compared with the previous......
Mr. Birch On Penal Taxation
A T the 53rd annual general meeting of the Potteries Motor Traction Co.. Ltd., on June 26, the chairman and managing director, Mr. Raymond W. Birch, M.1.Mech.E.,, said that the......
• Receipts .up Trai-fic. : Receipts. Of -- British Road...
May 7t) Otalted 0,942.000, making an aggregate 'of 'f28,523,000 for the first 20 weeks of the year. State-owned provincial passenger transport undertakings made £3,236,000 in......