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N THOUGH, apart from its application to a new semi-trailer, air suspension is almost unknown in Britain, there is growing...
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T HE dispute between the clearing house group and the long-distance committee of the Road Haulage Association, to which The...
Tyres Keep Pace THE commercial vehicle is a remarkable piece of I mechanism and whether it be in the cheaper ranges or amongst...
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That in some quarters there is a rabid hatred of parting with emergency regulations—look at the trouble with D.O.R.A.! Queries...
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A FFIRMING that in the absence of evidence to show that facilities obtainable from sub-contractors were unsuitable, figures...
A FTER a number of informal discus • sions with the Ministry of Transport, the Public Transport Association and the Passenger...
S QEVERAL take-overs in passenger transport in the north of England have been announced. Wells Motor Services, Ltd., Biddulph,...
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LORD CILCE.NNIN has been appointed a director of Silentbloc, Ltd. MR. J. C. Y. HOUGHTON has joined the board of the London...
T HE conditions attached to 29 B-licensed tippers operated by H. Evers, Ltd., Ancoats, had become so cumbersome that an...
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T HE first joint sitting of Traffic Commissioners in the north-west took place at Buxton on Tuesday, when Mr. F. Williamson and...
The company want to add 4d. to single fares over 24d. covering town and city services, together with increased return fares on...
A FTER two hearings by the Northern I -1 Licensing Authority and an appeal to the Transport Tribunal, Siddle C. Cook, Ltd.,...
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rONTRACTORS taking heavy loads over carriageways not really built as highways should first find out whether damage is likely ,...
A FTER hearing evidence that pay ment for work in connection with the felling and haulage of timber for one customer had risen...
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D OAD casualties in 1956 showed no significant change compared with those of 1955, although, in spite of a wet summer and two...
Vif York coach proprietor's application to operate an express service between York and Leeds Greyhound Stadium, last week, they...
CLAIMING that a haulier's applica tion for a new A licence covering eight vehicles should be accompanied by details of the...
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B Y the side of a sta g e on which personalities are interviewed at the Radio Show, Earls Court, London, a Karrier vehicle...
makes are described in the latest edition of the "British Diesel En g ine Catalo g ue," edited by D. S. Dodsley Williams,...
A NEWCOMER to haula g e, who took over a B licence in March, was refused an increase in radius for " g eneral g oods from five...
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10 Day Cycle By Man Smith, F.R.S.A. Major sections of the large and varied fleet of the London County Council were described...
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SHIFTS of 'population are quickly reflected by the road transport industry, not only in passenger and household-removal...
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0 NCE again at the congress of the International Union of Public Transport, Mr. E. Nielsen, director of Copenhagen Transport,...
Paris transport undertaking, reviewed bodywork features that could aid the movement of passengers and enhance their safety and...
!UR. NIELSEN was appointed presi IVI dent of the committee formed to study the causes of congestion after the Naples Congress...
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IN his introduction Mr. Felix empha sized that public transport undertakings had been compelled to make a more thorough study...
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R EPL1ES to a questionnaire sent to operators by Mr. Maestrelli, who submitted a paper on traffic congestion, with particular...
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reasons why those who travel by road in the south of England cannot fail to notice the lorries of S. and L. Bull Bros., Ltd.,...
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F XCEPT for one thing, there is likely to be fairly placid acceptance of the policy laid down in a 4 booklet recently issued...
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• Upsets N.E. Hauliers Says G. Duncan Jewell p ROSPER1TY and expanding trade since denationalization have had a big effect...
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Queries T oo Many Vehicles Too Little Traffic I READ with interest the article in The Commercial Motor I of August 23 by Ashley...
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A announced in The Commercial Motor last week, a multi-purpose transporter has been introduced by R. Murfitt i Ltd., Outwell,...
A s the result of a decision by the High Court in Sydney, Australia, that the State of Victoria may impose .a tax on...
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A NEW Vista luxury coach and a new service bus were announced this week by Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd. Both vehicles are available...
B Y forming the roof and rear corners of Cornette 1-.) mobile ice-cream vehicles, based on Bedford 10-12-cwt. chassis, in...
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TWO new auxiliary lamps have been I introduced by Crag, Ltd., Barnsley, Yorks. One is the Lumax 87 spot lamp fitted with a 48w....
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A DVICE on how to charge for haulage involving leads of varying length has been requested by several operators with differing...
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I F they behave on the road as they have on the test ground, some of the entrants to the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition...
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DATENT No. 779,631 deals with horizontally opposed engines in which the pistons drive the crankshaft through rocking levers....