6th September 1957, Page 53
6th September 1957
Page 53

Page 53, 6th September 1957
Karrier In Action At Radio Show
B Y the side of a sta g e on which personalities are interviewed at the Radio Show, Earls Court, London, a Karrier vehicle formin g a television link with the main B.B.C.......
New Catalogue Of Oil Engines Mearly 3,000 En G Ines Of 43
makes are described in the latest edition of the "British Diesel En g ine Catalo g ue," edited by D. S. Dodsley Williams, editor of our associated journal, The Oil Engine and......
No Radius Increase For Newcomer
A NEWCOMER to haula g e, who took over a B licence in March, was refused an increase in radius for " g eneral g oods from five to 25 miles, by the North Western Deputy Licensin......