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O NE of our most promising sources of foreign currency, and particularly of that which is known as "hard," is what is now often...
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How France Deals (IN November 15 last year with the Road-rail `— • the French Government Problem issued a decree concerned...
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Of a mass " flit " to Llandudno. That the R.H.E. is apparently not as afraid of denationalization as the present Government is...
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T HEBritish Transport Commission now has about 36,750 road vehic1. - ..s. apart from those run by British Railways. Some 2,600...
have been issued with additional fuel after close investigation into existing facilities in the district. In some instances, it...
D URING February, 5,892 new C-licence vehicles were introduced. Of these, 627 were for existing fleets and 5,265 were placed on...
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A WARNING to hauliers that the Road Haulage Executive was trying just as hard to secure short-distance as long-distance...
A COMPLAINT has been made to the transport committee of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce that the particulars contained in the...
P OINTING out the importance of the duties to be performed by all its members, the Road Haulage Executive has published a guide...
F OLLOWING an approach by the National Association of Road Transport Groups to the Road Haulage Association, negotiations for...
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MR. M. W. FORIMAN has been made chief inspector " A " at London Transport's Hatfield depot. M. ALBERT CsouoT has been elected...
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D ISAPPOINTMENT has s been L./expressed by the council of the Public Transport Association, in its annual report, that the...
A WARNING about the effect of ti natrionalization upon bodybuilders was given by Mr. J. M. Reeve, chairman of the Sheffield and...
A DISPUTE as to the sale of a tipping lorry gave rise to an action before Mr. Justice Hilbery in the King's Bench Division...
A BERDEEN hauliers' request to have the.e radius of operations extended beyond the 25-mile limit has been rejected by the...
There will be no Scottish Motor Show this year. The Scottish Motor Trade Association intends to hold the 59th show in Glasgow...
PEAKING at the annual meeting of 5J the Scottish Co-operative Transport Association, in Glasgow, Mr. C. W. Fulker, secretary of...
T HE Scottish Licensing Authority wrongly allowed a Barrhead coach company a licence to run 14-day tours to the French and...
D URING March, the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., broke all records by exporting 14,800 vehicles and tractors. The company's exports of...
WE regret to announce the death of VI' MR. J. W. EVANS, a former director of North Staffs Haulage, Ltd., which was nationalized...
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T HE British Transport Commission was among the nationalized undertakings which last week presented to the Tucker Committee...
T HE Appeal Tribunal has dismissed the appeal of the Railway Executive against a decision of the Northern Deputy Licensing...
rITHER organizations have joined the V London County Council and the - Luc. in declaring their •intention to oppose the British...
B UI for the co-ordination scheme with the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., Luton Corporation transport undertaking would be...
A NUMBER. of notable guests attended the annual luncheon of the Mansion House Association on Transport, last Friday. Among them...
A BOOKLET describing Royal Blue PA holiday tours has been published by Royal Blue Express Services, Exeter. Before the war, the...
THE Railway Executive has decided. FIE order to expedite investigations, to revert to the statutory time limits for lodging...
week, Mr. Brian Faulkner described the Ulster Transport Authority's road freight services as a dead weight hanging around...
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" 111011 OAD hauliers are profoundly 11 disquieted by the Government's policy of reducing the number of goods vehicles made...
T o meet the special needs of Continental touring, a 30-passenger luxury body has been built on a Leyland PSI chassis by...
Victoria bus station, the capital's busiest bus terminus. The steel tower, familiar to Londoners for over 20 years, has been...
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Positive Crankcase Ventilation, New Bearing Materials and Other Modifications in Bedford Petrol Engine Make for Higher...
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A Call for Standardized Designs of Municipal Equipment and for Vehicles Capable of Easy Alteration for Varied Uses Made in a...
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Luton Passengers By C. S. Dunbar, m.inst.T. NTIL the corporation took over in 1923, the I T Luton tram service, which had...
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pre-war chassis of 7-ft. 6 - in, width adapted to carry double-deck bodies 8 ft. wide. Present contracts provide for dealing...
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Political Commentary By JAN US T HE present century may be renowned in history for among other reasons, the revival in...
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TWO standard designs, suitable for a wide variety of coach .chassis, are now being produced by the coachbuilding department of...
appliances have been used for It years, is done on a piece-work basis and only 40 seconds, including travelling time, are...
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By Alan Smith HE telephone changed business methods. Twoway radio may produce an even greater alteration in commercial and...
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THE load-capacity handicap imposed by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and .Traders on the tyres fitted to British vehicles...
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A LTHOUGH the petrol-injection I" , system possessed certain advantages over the normal aspirated engine using a carburetter,...
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Contract Hauliers Fall Down Failure to Appreciate the Expenses Involved in Contract-A Work May Turn an Expected Profit into a...
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A NEW building, nearly a third of a mile long and costing 12,300,000, is nearing completion beside the existing plant of...
R OAD transport development and the progressive integration of the Western Union nations will exercise a reciprocal influence...
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F ROM the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 88, Regent Street. London, WA, comes patent No 632,407, which discloses a design for a...