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"r.h.e. Wants All Traffic
A WARNING to hauliers that the Road Haulage Executive was trying just as hard to secure short-distance as long-distance traffic, was given by Mr. R. B. Brittain, chairman of the......
B.r.s. Invoice Complaint: Curb On Free Speech
A COMPLAINT has been made to the transport committee of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce that the particulars contained in the invoices of British Road Services are substantially......
• "where You Fit In"
P OINTING out the importance of the duties to be performed by all its members, the Road Haulage Executive has published a guide for its staff entitled "Where You Fit In." The......
R.h.a. And N.a.r.t.g. Merger?
F OLLOWING an approach by the National Association of Road Transport Groups to the Road Haulage Association, negotiations for an amalgamation between the two organizations are......