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The older members of the industry appear to want a show once every three years, and not oftener ; those who are willing to take...
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With Special Reference to Problems Affecting the Operation of Motorcabs. The municipality has the light to ceutrel and...
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That two British makers have put designers on to alcohol-engine work. That a bus proposition in an industrial centre is not...
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The total of licensed motorbuses plying for hire on the London streets on the 31st of last month was 3309. This shows an...
No More Steel-tired Vehicles in the City. Commercial-vehicle owners in Paris have up to the present been singularly free from...
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Excerpts from Opinions Concerning the Effects of Olympia. Allchirs. " We are very much pleased to record that it was an...
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We illustrate below the new three-ton Sheppee steam lorry. III our illustration the vehicle is shown with the casing of the...
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. People up and down the country, in spite of...
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. —By the Editor, New readers of this journal, who for the first time made close acquaintance with the satisfactory state of...
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If it were necessary in any way to bring further evidence of the growing body of dissatisfaction with the War-Office methods in...
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By the Editor. Recent investigations have made it amply clear that old conceptions anent yielda of liquid fuel from the...
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First-published Particulars of the " R.G." 10-cwt. Express Delivery Van. It was with no little amount of natural pride on the...
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(Continued from page 603.) The principal cause of deterioration of roads and pavements is the lack of appreciation of the...
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" Motorvans are Invaluable to the Community." Twenty years ago the catering trade of London was, according to its critics,...
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Where to Buy your Supplies. Notices of Useful Specialities from the Factory and in the Showroom. You Can Get It At " 0.M....
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY is paid for the best communication received, and one penny a line of ten words for anything else...
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom by the Sale Branch, Patent...