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F OR ten weary years, so ancient legend says, tilt GrAks laid seige to Troy; still the great bastions withstood all' assault....
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.of and new any even those of smaller dimensions or Scheme in its importance, is almost bound to inspire a certain amount of...
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W E have frequently suggested that many of the committees the business of which it is to deal With the affairs of the industry...
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G row th of U.S.A. HE U.S.A. is aiming to Synthetic Rubber Proproduce synthetic rubber at duction the rate of 700,000 tons...
That it is candy, not Gandy which is so strictly rationed. ,That Hardy Spicer joints 'and shafts are appropriately named....
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Gas T HE maximum amount of fuel which is likely fo be obtainable for vehicles running on producer gas is about 200,000 tons a...
Restrictions on Cabs and Hire Cars T WO new Orders restricting the use of taxicabs in one instance and hire cars in the other,...
I N Liverpool A.R.O. circles, the news of the appointment of Mr. Tom Lawrenson, J.P., of Bootle, to the position GI chairman of...
LORD BRABAZON and MR. W. LIONEL FRASER haVe been appointed directors of Thomas Tilling, Ltd. ALD. BRADLEY, chairman of Bolton...
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Apparatus for Small Engines Gives Good Results on Initial Test. Design Enables Fire to he Kept Alight when Vehicle is Standing...
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A Brief Analysis of the Position Regarding the Diversion of Road Traffic and of Means by which Improvements May be Effected...
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E FFORTS to solve satisfactorily the Liproblem of the differential gear continue, probably being stimulated by the requirements...
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F ROM an engineering company of considerable prominence, but the name of which we are irt permitted to disclose, we have...
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By J. W. Noel Jordan Chairman, Mobile Praeger Gas Association LL AST week has been one of the most surprising and shattering,...
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L AST Weducsday there were many visitors to the Research Department of the Institution of ,Automobile Engineers, . Great West...
A T the annual general meeting of A.R.O. held on July 29, the President, Major H. E. Crawford, A.F.C., made strong criticisms...
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condone the enormous waste of petrol, man-power and tyres, not to mention money, that is being caused by the operation of the...
M AY I be allowed to endorse the views expressed in your able leader on the S.J.C.'s long-term policy, in your issue dated...
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"ΒΌ/OUR leader, "Depression in Haulage Traffics," in the issue of "The Commercial Motor" dated July 17, refers to " rumours " of...
THE lack of support given to their associations by the majority of hauliers has, I am convinced, created weak leadership, and...
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T HE use of rubber as a cushioning medium for suspension systems has led to difficulty in preventing it from flexing in other...