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T HE second reading, last week, of the Town Development Bill again brings into focus the difficult transport problems which the...
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Claims for Magnesium Wheels TT has been reported from America that satisfactory I magnesium-alloy wheels have been developed...
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Hears Of bon(us)es of - contention. That p.s.v. seats are becoming more and more like easy chairs. That the horse is still...
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A CLAIM for £4,452 for goodwill, as no compensation was being paid for cessation of business, was made to the Transport...
A S from April 1. fees for vehicles authorized under A and B licences will have to be paid in one sum, instead of by...
A REA committees of the Rdad Haulage Association are considering a proposal that with every licence application a fee should be...
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. "1 1 HE British Motor Corporation, Ltd., I. has been formed to effect the amalgamation of the Austin Motor Co„ Ltd., and...
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Ma. JAMES MAXWELL took up the appointment, last Saturday, of secretary of Albion Motors, Ltd. MR. H. HARWOOD, chief sales...
C ONSENT has been granted by the ....East Midland Licensing Authority to Nottingham Corporation to run buses to its new Clifton...
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" 1 HAVE never believed that road I competition was the sole or, indeed, the main reason why railways have declined in this...
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William Glass, Ltd.. Weybridge, has issued its 1952 check book to subscribers. Efforts are being made to secure an increase in...
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WHEN he lectured, on Tuesday, Co W the Midland section of the Institute of Transport on fork-lift trucks and the use of...
F OUR tours will be run next season by Westcliff-on-Sea Motor Services, Ltd., two of them of six days' duration, one of seven...
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R ETURN No. 155 (Mechanically Propelled Road Vehicles, Great Britain), published last week by the Stationery Office at 4s.,...
A Nimportant part of the "Come to Britain" campaign of the British Travel and Holidays Association is a goodwill mission to...
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Elizabethan Age I4 AUDABLE as it may be to recall the achievements' of the past to inspire us for the future, those people who...
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By L. J. COTTON M.I.R.T.E. A . GRUELLING 30-mile endurance test across fields and unmade roads, in quarries and in a sand OA,...
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A WET-SOAP solution which dries in five to six hours is being used by Universal Cleaners, Walsall, for cleaning moquette seats....
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T HE use ot two-way !radio to control various kinds of road transport operation has raised many , problems. Perhaps the...
of spares to customers, the Car Mart, Ltd.. Austin distributor in London, has installed a radio transmitter-receiver at its...
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T ransport A. E. She i rtck-Mesher S INCE its formation in July, 1912, the Aldershot and District Traction Co., Ltd., an...
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By Ralph Cropper, M.Sc. (Econ.), B.A., M.Inst. T. W ORK is the basis of all industry and of all economic progress. Whilst the...
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THE Leicestershire and Rutland J. County Constabulary recently put into operation a mobile police station. Made up of two...
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Fuel Cost Almost Prohibitive A S the Chancellor has decided that the administrative . 1-1 . costs of petrol rationing make it...
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A TAILOR'S shop and an ice-cream dispensing vehicle are two interesting types recently completed by Reeve and Kenning, Ltd.,...
A N installation designed to test the waterproof properties of bodywork, but can also be used as a vehicle washing plant, has...
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I N the previous article I demonstrated that when weekly mileages are low it is preferable to allocate depreciation among the...
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A SHARP foreign body, such as a stone or a piece of glass, usually takes several revolutions of the road wheel to embed itself...