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T HE demand for goods vehicles weighing under 3 tons unladen, so that they come within the present classification of those...
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F OR the first time since the appointment of the British Road Transport Commission there has been an announcement that it has...
Australia's Safety THE Council of Manage Council and Cornpul ment of the Road Safety sory Fitness Tests • . Council of...
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Of the home market's crypt." And sees lots of street arabs with guys That fewer gallons mean more quarts in pint pots. That...
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LAWSUIT OVER "CLOSED SHOP" LL EGAL action is to be taken by one of four employees who were dismissed from Leeds Transp o rt...
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of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, held yesterday at the Royal. Society of Arts, the president and chairman, Mr. G....
A S finally approved, the nationalization of road passenger transport in the city of Madras is expected to be completed by...
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Liverpool .‘....Chamber of Commerce on October 28 that the. delays in clearing roadborne goods traffic at - Merseyside docks...
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Licence Application NINE TO ONE A PPEALS by Pulsfords Haulage, 1 - %. Ltd., and eight others against a grant by the Western...
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It is obvious that, with wheeled vehicles, there are road conditions which rather nullify the mechanical perfection which is...
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main designs of the R.P. automatic brake adjuster, the earlier designs having been improved in the light of running...
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A LTHOU6H the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board has set up a working party committee to see whether the turn-round of goods...
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QPECIALIZ1NG in. appliances for the fire services; Merry-weather and Sons, Ltd., Greenwich, London, S.E.10, has now introduced...
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I HAVE been anxious to test the Austin 25-cwt. Threeway van ever since its details were first released to "The Commercial...
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F lFTY years ago, the manufacture of Ferodo facings for clutches and brakes was begun in a shed measuring 9 ft. square. That...
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to the industry which have been reported in two brief series of articles recently, it occurred to me to devise some method...
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increasingly apparent that, if Britain is to bridge the gap between imports and exports and increase her overseas sales, she...
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nNE of the latest and most interest ing products of Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., North Finchley, 1.ondon, N.12, is a...
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Q ATISFACTORY turbulence, elimi6%3 nation of shock waves, and improved cooling, are the advantages claimed for a combustion...