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F OR t h e operator o f double-deck buses, this year's Commercial Motor Show, which will open at Earls Court a fortnight today,...
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A LTHOUGH the conditions under which the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition for 1956 is being conducted are a substantial...
New Heating System for Workshop A TTENTION has been drawn by the Midlands r - l• Electricity Board to an interesting heating...
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Of some people who might wish to be like motor vehicles and be able to have their bodies re-styled. That increasing legal and...
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nPERATORS working into the Smithfield vegetable market, Manchester, may have to revise their vehicle-replacement policies,...
A N offer by Rolls-Royce, Ltd., to buy . about 96 per cent, of the preference and 90 per cent. of the ordinary capital of...
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M1TH competition now controlling VV the price of transport, there should be complete freedom for road transport. This...
TENDERS for carrying Christmas mail have been invited by the London Post Office a month earlier than usual. Operators in...
LP EFORE the replacement of trolleybuses by motorbuses is agreed upon there should be a public inquiry and a referendum of...
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MR. E. RODGERS has been appointed traffic manager of Pleasley and Pleasley Hill Co-operative Society. Ma. D. P. F. GRAHAM has...
D EFERENCE to a view expressed by L\ the Ministry of Transport that a haulage company's garage would be unsuitably placed on an...
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A N applicant, in business as a clearing house, was alleged on Tuesday to have diverted traffic from existing hauliers in Hull...
A FTER hearing evidence from the objectors tha t caravan-towing vehicles were idle during June, July and August, Maj. F. S....
T HE Industrial Disputes Tribunal are to hear another dispute on back pay for haulage workers, in London, on September 19. The...
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made by the British Transport Commission and three private hauliers, the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority last week...
rONFLICTING . proposals from various representative bodies have been submitted to the governinent committee of inquiry into...
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WHEN T. Rowley (Transport), Sale, VV applied to the North Western Licensing AUthority last week to replace a rigid vehicle of...
FA RE increases on certain routes in Plymouth were, last week, authorized by the Western Licensing Authority. They are...
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T HE South Wales Licensing Authority, last week, refused an application by South -Wales Transport Co., Ltd., for permission to...
'THE Postmaster General has I approved the recommendations in the second report at' the Mobile Radio Committee (Stationery...
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mEW Austin and Morris 7-ton tippers will be seen in public for the first time at Earls Court. The mechanical specification of...
A MONG those who braved a bitter north-east wind last Saturday to watch the Portsmouth round of the Lorry Driver of the...
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All Along the Line New Dodge Range of Forward-control Oiland Petrol-engined Chassis Announced Today : Improved Appearance and...
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f e -NOWN as the Brayloader 25, a new type of fully • tracked shovel designed for heavy work under adverse conditions has been...
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• D ESIGNED to give a good overall performance as a _road tractor, but with exceptional manceuvrability for working in...
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Meadows 6DC 500 Oil Engine Powers New Rowe 9-tonner and Passenger ' Chassis : 8-ton Tipper and Underfloorengined 7-tonner F OUR...
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First Use of Rolls-Royce 133 b.h.p. Unit in Vehicle • in Britain: Many Design Changes in E.R.F. Range A NEW version of their...
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A NEW Rutland, designed for export. will be -shown at Earls Court by Motor Traction, Ltd., Rutland Works, Vulcan Way, New...
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A NEW 30-ft.-long double-decker chassis has been introduced by Transport Vehicles (Daimler), Ltd., Coventry. It is offered with...
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rt A NEW 'series of Leyland heavy-duty goods vehicles is announced today under the range name of Buffalo. A representative...
C AERLEON magistrates were told by a Ministry of Transport official, last week, that a 33-seat coach stopped by police on the...
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Leyland Semi-integral 78seat Bus has Low Floor Height, Independent Front Suspension and Front Entrance, and Weighs 71 Tons O NE...
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Scammell Developments are New 30-tonner, Scarab with Oil Engine and Frameless Tanker for Powders HREE new vehicles will be...
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Swift 4-tonner, Trusty. Maximum-load Fourwheeler and Big Ben 6 x 6: Final Version of • Eight-wheeler: New Engine T HREE new...
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F OR the second year in succession. the driver of an articulated vehicle scored , highest marks in the Portsmouth round of...
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-QEVER AL modifications have been n - lade to the Atkinson range and will be seen at the Commercial Motor Show. A new...
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Little Victim By JANUS Alas, regardless of their doom, The little victims play!. No sense have they of Ws to come, Nor care...
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I T is common practice for hauliers in agricultural areas to store grain, feeding stuffs and similar products for customers who...
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A CARBURETTER which has no fl throttle-valve is ,shown in patent No. 752,702 (E. Clerk,Bourgainville, Old Stony Hill Road....