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'HERE is quite clearly an overwhelming case for the subject of a roads programme to be taken rnanently outside the cut and...
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A T Pl ymouth on Monday, Mr. Frank Donlon, president of the National Union of Railwaymen, unequivocally supported the idea of a...
"T AKE COURAGE" said the sign over the door of the Windsor Club, Conway Road, Newport, Mon., an exhortation which the temporary...
BY JOHN DARKER. AMBIM ?THE resignation from the Cabinet of Mr. Frank Cousins has unleashed a flood of speculation which is not...
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111 A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT E German authorities have announced a new procedure which will be applicable eforth to British...
wn (also on leave from the TGWU!) tot without friends in the union.
RS. CASTLE'S current troubles with the road haulage industry have not been nened by the decision of Mr. Frank Cousins iuit the...
CONTINENTAL Ferry Trailers, of Barking, working in close collaboration with their Swedish counterparts Bilspedition of...
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T HE f3÷m. abattoir opened by the Minister of Agriculture at Manchester last week means greatly improved working conditions for...
T HEScottish Licensing Authority, Mr. A. B. Birnie, has endorsed a scheme by the Scottish goods vehicle maintenance advisory...
From our Political Correspondent A PLAN to bring the docks under public control at national and regional level was published...
FOLLOWING the implementation of the Road Haulage Wages Council Order RH(134) as from June 15, a new edition of the Headlight...
L AST week Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh visited the coachbuilding department of St....
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e tt PRACTICAL survey by practical - X men" was how TRTA president Mr. e Delicate on Monday introduced a age document on urgent...
B RITAIN'S roads, with 12,939,800 vehicles in use, are by far the most congested in the world, according to the British Road...
R OAD congestion charges advocated by Mr. Gabriel Roth in his paper, "A self-financing road system", were heavily attacked on...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT AF TER 18 months of uneasy peace, private goods transport has landed up in the political...
T HE Treasury this week gave a cool reception to a suggestion that vehicles might be taxed and insured by a tax on fuel sales....
I T was suggested in the Commons last week by Mr. Alexander Lyon (Labour, York) that the Transport Minister should vary the...
THE Post Office are making good progress in their considerations of the project to use postal vans for carrying passengers in...
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66-7 coach body range announced erek Moses iURPR1SE—that was my reaction to the new Viceroy body unveiled by the e Group at...
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by Derek Moses T HE signal to go ahead with the introduction of a one-fare, one-man bus system throughout the entire...
IN his annual report to the transport committee, Mr. Thomas Lord, general manager of Leeds City Transport, revealed that...
D ISTURBING reports of union unwillingness in some areas in implementing the employer/union declaration on the ending of...
MORE one-man buses may be added to the 'City of Oxford Motor Services' fleet if agreement is reached in talks now taking place...
AN AEC Reliance 470 with Plaxton Highway 47-seat body recently placed into service with Bond Brothers of Willington, Co....
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HE creation of a bus division of the Leyland Motor Corporation Ltd. forms important part of a reorganization anaced by the...
The RHA public relations committee has appointed E. West (Bursley Garage, nr. Leeds) as chairman for the coming year and E. J....
We regret to record the death of Harry Bishop. Mr. Bishop was technical manager of the Regent Tyre and Rubber Co. Ltd. He was...
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THE Transport Tribunal has partly granted the appeal of Sunter Bros. Ltd., Pickfords Ltd. and others against the Yorkshire...
THERE were no objectors at Leeds last week when W. Carr and Sons (Haulage) Ltd., of Morley. Leeds, successfully applied for 10...
N a result of an application heard last week by Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, two Hungarian...
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tcision in etcher case . 71E "Goods for Fletcher" case (see COMMERCIAL MOTOR, July 1) was luded last week before the East Mid...
?PEALS by the North Western Road Car Co. Ltd., Creams Lancashire . and Hants and Dorset Motor Services have been dismissed by...
i N Monday an application by William A. Thomas, of Welshampton, near Ellesmere, for a switch of three B-licensed vehicles to...
A N application by British Railways, Manchester, to replace 65 light articulated vehicles with 16 heavy articulated vehicles...
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THE conditions of existing B licences held by J. Bevans (Transport) Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent, meant that empty vehicles had to be...
B ECAUSE his customers wished rates to be kept as keen as possible, Mr. G. H. Nixon, of Stoke-on-Trent, applied last week for...
AT a joint sitting of the North Western and 1-- k Yorkshire Traffic Conunissioners at Manchester last week, a decision was...
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You'll see why you can drive a fork-lift truck right inside it! The remarkable thing about a Freightmaster is that it weighs...
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I N his annual report, Mr. G. E. Liardet, chairman of Simms Motor and Electronics Corp. Ltd., made the following remarks: "I...
AN important order for 114 Leyland Panther rear-underfloor-engined buses has been received from Brisbane City Council by the...
A ' part of its reorganization of manufacturing operations. the Rootes Group is to close the British Light Steel Pressings'...
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IT was learned this week that Glas Con cessionaires Ltd. is forming another company which will operate from the same office...
/*- 1 and Eurocard, who are operating the scheme jointly—is a breakthrough in commercial credit card activities in this...
Part 16—The Stop-lamp Switch BY HANDYMAN A NOTHER small, air-operated unit can now be found on many air-braked vehicles. This...
T HIS week's prizewinner is Mr. W. G. Piper, of East Sheen, London SWI4. He says that if injectors are fitted to clean seatings...
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NEW range of low-cost, high-pressure centrifugal pumps L suitable for all wash-down applications is now available in UK. The...
the June 24 issue it was incorrectly stated that the steam cleaner de by Applied Chemicals Ltd., Salisbury Road Industrial...
UITABLE for light or heavy liquids and designed for applying a rust-resistant undercoating to vehicles and for cleaning :hines...
A PPOINTED sole distributors for the United Kingdom of ASCO clutch plates, manufactured by a Japanese company, Avon Sales of...
REE new industrial electric drills have been introduced by Matron Machines Ltd. The machines are claimed to have high capacity...
S UITABLE for tarpaulins, engine covers and so on, a new fabric from Sweden known as Galonyl 700 is being marketed by Galon...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, AMIMechE O F the five papers presented this week at the symposium on "Diesel engines— breathing and...
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A l EXPERIMENTAL opposed-piston engine of 6.5 litres developing 500 b.h.p. at 2,400 r.p.m. was mentioned by Mr. R. L. West of...
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O NE voice which has run g out in the defence of road haula g e in the political arena over the past week or two has been that...
T HE TRTA practice of callin g itself: "the official body representin g the interest of the operators of the 1+ million g oods...
rr HE old Irish ditty about di gg in g for g old in the street has I almost come true in Southend with the present world price...
E VEN by industrial standards, road transport establishments .1-1 seem particularly apt to be utilitarian in appearance so that...
OTTINGHAM bade a sentimental farewell to its last trolleybus last week, when the last vehicle in service carried the Lord Mayor...
T SEE that the Commercial Vehicle and Road Transport Club has successfully passed its first anniversary, thou g h it is...
C OLLEAGUE lain Sherriff, stridin g across the West Country last week on a story, came to Bristol, where the Town House is...
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to Mr. Brian White's T last week, which was prompted by Mr. Tyc's plea for hairing anecdotes to support his "survey" on...
[ER READING the June 24 issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR !.1 that I must add to your correspondent S. C. Walker's cornIs on...
and 11( the driver of British Road Services lorry 684 BFJ. was travelling from Bromsgrove to Gloucester one recent it when I...
I AM engaged in completely overhauling a 1931 Sentinel steam tractor unit and hope that some of your readers will help with...
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?ETTER IT REALLY TRUE IN ROAD TRANSPORT PART 1 By S. Buckley, Assoc Inst T Right: Mr. William H. Burgoyne, managing...
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22 - TON - GROSS SIX-WHEELER A. J. P. Wilding, IlMechE, MIRTE FTHERE is no doubt that the higher weight limits permitted by...
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;WEN from the soberly printed pages of Hansard one can 21 sometimes receive a fair impression of the charged atmosiere when a...
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R ECENTLY in this series consideration has been given to the problem of providing a transport service and the respective...
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GROUP pre-tax profits of UNITED TRANSPORT CO. for the year 1965 amounted to £3,284,542, which compared with £3,023,122 the...
By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies. University of London TRANSPORT ECONOMICS THE USES OF SOCIAL BENEFIT L AST...