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THE FIRST MODEL of the new T45 range launched this week heralds a new era for Leyland Vehicles. The launch day was a long time...
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iH WAGES for haulage drivers are here to stay, but producty must dominate future pay negotiations, according to tonal Freight...
NUFACTURERS were !n by surprise this week m David Brown Gear Intries Ltd announced that it ) stop making commercial icle...
THE ONLY Roadtrain which is not affected by London's threatened ban is the Leyland T45. The model's last big secret — its name...
HESTAIR DENNIS managing director John Smith has been sentenced to life imprisonment in Iraq, and the Foreign and Commonwealth...
BP is to integrate a substantial part of its productivity pay supplement into its tanker drivers' basic pay. When negotiated...
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THE Motor Agents Association has criticised the £10 fee for calibrating and sealing tachographs and is looking for a fee nearer...
THERE is no scope for as stripping in the Natio' Freight Corporation, and Government does not en sage that it could happen....
THE EEC COMMISSION I decided to turn a blind eye .delays in Ireland in kit: ducing the tachograph and proceedings will he taken...
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,UROPEAN money should be used to evelop roads to Britain's ports, rather an the Channel Tunnel. So said the ritish Road...
HE POST OFFICE has placed eparate orders with Vauxhall lotors and Dodge Trucks to ripply vehicles worth over 30m. Vauxhall is...
A NEW BOOKLET, Container Terminals: Safe Working Practices, has been published by the Health and Safety Executive. The...
read the fou lengthy columns of The Times Law Re port, if he had been given a resum pre pared by a minion, or indeed if he hat...
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DYFED HAULIER who had his Operator's Licence curtailed d suspended for three months has had his suspension reduced two weeks by...
A COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE package is launched this month for Road Haulage Association members. It is aimed specifically to...
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THE LORRY is clearly a go servant, but it can be a h master, the Association District Councils told Sir thur Armitage's inquiry...
HEAVIER LORRIES will not aggravate air pollution but will increase noise and vibration. This claim was made by the Department...
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ARGE INCREASE in taxes on heavy lorries would not be a d trade off for 40-tonners, National Freight Corporation 3utive planning...
A CHANGE to heavier lorries could speed the trend towards more environmentally acceptable vehicles, according to the...
LORRIES are smashing motorways to pieces, according to Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen's leader Ray...
A SIX-MAN Trades Union Congress delegation told the Inquiry that it is "totally and unanimously" opposed to any increase in...
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THE TRANSPORT BILL has been drafted badly and could damage the coach industry, according to Coach and Independent Bus Sector...
MEMBERS of the House Lords do not like the Gove ment's plans to allow char; to be made for school tra port but Minister of...
A SHIPMENT of 62 Rolls-Royce B-range automotive gas gines for a fleet of buses has been despatched to Rospr Enterprises Pty Ltd...
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LONDON TRANSPORT'S pool of one-man-operated buses will be reduced further this year when 118 secondhand AEC Routemaster...
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A WEST MIDLANDS PTE bus driver has lost an unfair dismissal claim before Birmingham Industrial Tribunal. He refused to retrain...
A HEREFORD coach operat has been told to familiari himself with the Gover ment's plans for coach opet tor licensing. Otherwise,...
DESPITE hiccups in the production of the Leyland Titan, wol is forging ahead on the body-on Olympian (B45) double-del project....
CAIRO Transport Authority is to add a further 350 MagirusDeutz 230E 113 AS single decker buses to its 1000 strong Magirus...
HELP for coach operators to cope with the problems of storing tachograph discs was offered in the form of the GB Tachopak at...
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RAVEN TASKER (Sheffield) Ltd has won a Design Council ward with its Taskold semi-trailer, as adapted for the Danish icon...
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THE FIRST model in Leyland's 145 range, publicly launched this week, has a gross combination weight of 40,000kg (39.4 tons) and...
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'71E C40 CAB system for the Roadtrain has won an award from le Design Council for its "thoroughly practical design". Designed...
PEUGEOT is the first European manufacturer to compete with the JaPanese in the one-ton pick-up market, and has launched its 504...
YORK TRAILER is pulling out of container manufacture, and 95 workers at the Northallerton works will be made redundant. A...
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of Ferrymasters Ltd, responsible for coordinating the company's sales activity north of Stafford to the Scottish border. Mr...
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EYLAND'S new vehicle Roadain — or T45 — has been a mg time coming. At various ages of its development LV's tanagement told us...
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, CEPTICISM should rightly be ontinually directed towards at assumption in some uarters which blames the state f many of our...
I WANT to enter road haulage through the young driver training scheme, but I am finding nothing but obstacles in my path....
I READ the letter in CM, February 23, "A drop of old fashioned spirit,'" with great interest. It is a pity there are not more...
JANUS, when criticising Britisl Rail's plan for a single - tracl rail-only Channel tunnel (CM February 16) perhaps does no know...
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by Graham MontgomeriE The T45 has finally been unveiled to the world. Now known as thi Road train, Leyland's latest lorry...
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stage the company felt that a splitter gearbox was easier to use, thus reducing the risk of driver error. In effect, it is a...
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So go the opening Hnes of the familiar country song, and they also apply to this comparative test of eight - wo-axie Tigids...
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CM's GRAHAM MONTi0IVIERIE walked along Stem)rd Street to the office, a white ord Escort estate car stopped eside him. The...
/AVID ABELL, chairman and lanaging director of Leyland 'ehicles Ltd, has been at pains ) point out that the company as nothing...
POST OFFICE van drivers are public enemy number one, according to a survey published by the magazine Cab Driyer. Strangely...
BEATING-UP Greater Glasgow PTE busmen carries all the risk and excitement of stealing a blind man's penny. Thirty-three were...
FRANK UNSDALE, the recentl , appointed managing director o IVECO, may be heading up thi formidable German-Italian teen but he...
A MAN who took a Hants anc Dorset bus from Basingstoke bus station, rather than wait for the next, parked it outside hiF. house...
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'Both Associations have pinpointed the latest DTp estimate of £965 taxation on goods vehicles in 1979/80, as compared with road...
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The brewers Lelebrate their 150th anniversary in fine st by coming first in (r■A's middleweight livery competition lohn Durant...