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)on't Blame :he Heavy Boys
, CEPTICISM should rightly be ontinually directed towards at assumption in some uarters which blames the state f many of our roads on tã eavier goods vehicles. That ,olated......
Drive To Drive, But Who Cares?
I WANT to enter road haulage through the young driver training scheme, but I am finding nothing but obstacles in my path. Without any success I have written to those who......
It's Women's Liberation
I READ the letter in CM, February 23, "A drop of old fashioned spirit,'" with great interest. It is a pity there are not more like this haulier who are pre pared to work. We are......
Thoughts Of A One-track Mind
JANUS, when criticising Britisl Rail's plan for a single - tracl rail-only Channel tunnel (CM February 16) perhaps does no know the reason behind it. This is that since......