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Announcement of firm plans for Passenger Transport Areas coincides with CM's annual survey of the road passenger industry,...
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• With the Transport Act now law, Mr. Richard Marsh, Minister of Transport, will be making Orders setting up Passenger...
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• Urgent review of systems of inspection and maintenance of hydraulic brakes on heavy lorries was demanded by judges in the...
• The shortage of weighbridges suitable for commercial vehicles, especially in cities and towns, is the subject of an urgent...
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• in providing training facilities 'within the industry the Road Haulage Association aims to ensure that the training is...
Hanger Engineering's managing director, Mr. R. J. Shove, said last week that their objective was an annual growth in home and...
• London may everftually have a general speed limit of 60 kph, if the MoT accepts a GLC planning and transportation committee...
• New Devon and Cornwall offices of the RHA were officially opened on Wednesday by Mr. J. Ft. C. Samuel Gibbon, Western Area...
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• Ford has introduced automatic transmission versions of its Escort-based 6 and Bcwt light vans. The gearbox fitted is the Borg...
• The latest timetable for implementation of major sections of the Transport Act was revealed by the Minister of Transport on...
• At a meeting last Sunday Bradford haulage drivers decided to accept the £2 a week increase on existing rates and Is 6d an...
• When Mr. Ray Gunter, MP, opened a new £500,000 factory of Alexander Duckham and Co. Ltd. in Aldridge, Staffs, last week, he...
• The TRTA has protested to the MoT that in the Midlands lorry drivers have been stopped and directed up to a distance of one...
• The Sheffield section of the Institute of Transport is to hold a one-day course at the City (Memorial) Hall, Bakers Pool,...
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by Ashley Taylor • Fresh aspects of bodybuilding and equipment are always to be seen at the Public Works and Municipal Services...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent • By this time next year it would, perhaps, be possible to say that the "imaginative and...
• ' The use of "something on the lines of the Volkswagen bus" within local areas of London was suggested by Mr_ William Molloy...
from our political correspondent • Next Thursday has been fixed for the opening of talks between the Government and the unions...
• "Local authorities can, by bold parking decisions, radically change the urban transport scene," said Mr Richard Marsh,...
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Ford recently brought out an impressive new package: the 1969 PSV chassis with the powerful new Ford Turbo 360 engine. The new...
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• A proposal to introduce standard bus stop signs for use throughout the country is under consideration by Mr. Richard Marsh,...
• In Paris on Monday the International Road Transport Union (IRU) told representatives of the European Conference of Ministers...
• A new type of single-deck, one-man operated "Autofare" bus will shortly go into experimental service on some country bus...
• Reading Corporation Transport ceased' trotleybus operation on Sunday, the last service run being followed by a special civic...
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What is a racehorse? • An incomplete decision was given on the appeal of W. G. R. Wightman, which was heard by the Transport...
• At Bishop Auckland magistrates court last week a haulage company was fined £.130 for operating outside the conditions of its...
• One of the very few new excursion and tours licences granted in the North West since the war was successfully applied for by...
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by lain Sherriff • There appears to be some confusion in the ranks of operators concerning the provision for public inquiries...
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Ltd. was granted the eight new A and B licences for which it applied last week (CM November 1) to enable it to rationalize the...
Transport (Northern) Ltd. to the Metropolitan LA recently for licences previously held by insolvent companies in the Davis...
• West Yorkshire Road Car Co. Ltd., haying had its application for a fares increase refused last July, applied in Leeds again...
• Pleasureways (1955) Ltd. of Altrincham has been granted two new fantail tours for 1969. A two-day public sitting was...
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• Considerable interest was shown by members of the Iraq Petroleum Co. Ltd. in the gas-turbine /diesel controversy when Paul...
• Latest in a series of demonstrations being given by Goodyear to show the advantages of its Super Single low-profile tyres...
• Annual prizegiving of the College of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering was held in Chelsea Town Hall last Thursday...
W. E. Bates, traffic manager at British Road Services Ltd. 's headquarters, becomes manager, North Western district, as from...
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magistrates Courts. Some may be tried at Quarter Sessions and the offence of causing death by dangerous driving can only be...
by Handyman Manpower, maintenance and the MoT (1 7) • A driver moving to air-braked equipment from, say, hydraulic systems...
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A re-examination of bus entrance design TWO YEARS AGO, Derek Moses took his sister Kathleen Moses, a qualified occupational...
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Halifax—Daimler Fleetline/Winowbrook. Northern General—Leyland Panther/Marshall. Reading—Bristol RE/Pennine Coach Craft. All...
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NONE of these—all from one coach works (Northern Counties)—was a comfortable bus to board or leave and all three would be...
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THERE were interesting variations on a theme from the Park Royal/Chas H. Roe, Daimler and Leyland stands. Of these five buses,...
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What with metrication and road financing, the RHA conference last week was full of figure work—an aspect which seemed to carry...
Figures entered the scene again when C. Nelson asked what effect the panel thought the de-licensing of small vehicles might...
The membt rship of TRTA's Central London area reads iike a Debrett of the UK manufacturing ind istry, since so many nationally...
Typical of a company which believes that deeds count for more than words is the fact that we have heard relatively little about...
Learning the business from the ground up is a traditional path for bosses' sons. This week I've encountered a very creditable...
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analysed by Derek Moses The year which has passed since the publication of the 1967 analyses of municipal and company bus...
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by Roger Howell Manchester thoughts FIRST reports have been received of the paper given by Mr. R. S. F. Edwards, general...
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A further contraction in the number of luxury touring coach bodies available from British coachbuilders is evident this year,...
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WITH the introduction of the LH lightweight chassis Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. entered a section of the passenger vehicle...
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The price of freedom UNDOUBTEDLY a wise choice was made of quantity licensing as the main point of the campaign against those...
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Matching the bus to the job is an exciting exercise to the general manager of Walsall Corporation Transport. Many vehicles of...
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The switch to one-man operation, impending cuts in driving hours and experiments with fare collection and rationalized fares...
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Municipal bus management is criticized by inference in two recent reports of the Prices and Incomes Board. Are the criticisms...
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A Detonation in a petrol engine is caused by the advancing flame front of the burning fuel compressing the - end gas" in the...
carrying of one axle of a tandem axled semi-trailer when the vehicle is running empty? We have seen 32-ton gross outfits with...
A The initials stand for Road Rail Negotia ting Committee, an area tripartite body consisting of RHA, BRS, and BRB...
in connection with my spare-time business of buying and selling furniture. My insurance broker assures me that my Class 2...
with a fleet of 10 medium-range artics and over the years the nature of our business has changed completely. Whereas previously...
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WHILE the Road Transport Industry Training Board whose work applies to England, Wales and Scotland slowly but firmly forges its...