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* Figuring
What with metrication and road financing, the RHA conference last week was full of figure work—an aspect which seemed to carry over into questions put to the Brains Trust. After......
*a Threat?
Figures entered the scene again when C. Nelson asked what effect the panel thought the de-licensing of small vehicles might have, Mr. Farmer thought the present 900,000 vehicles......
* At The Centre
The membt rship of TRTA's Central London area reads iike a Debrett of the UK manufacturing ind istry, since so many nationally famous companies have their headquarters there.......
* Deeds Before Words
Typical of a company which believes that deeds count for more than words is the fact that we have heard relatively little about the important event which Gardners are......
* The Hard Way
Learning the business from the ground up is a traditional path for bosses' sons. This week I've encountered a very creditable example—though it involves a son-in-law. Herman......