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TT is very difficult to understand upon what 2 -grounds the Commissioners of the Raih9tyS Department of the Victoria (South...
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"THE article on another page from a corre spondent in Sydney, New South Wales, is important, because it tells of the rapid...
A WELL-KNOWN electricar engineer has recently raised the question as to the suitability of the electric taxicab for use in...
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Of travelling showrooms doing forty-five. Of increasing interest In sleeve valves. That steam and petrol help to feed horses....
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Lancashire County Council report that a Manchester firm of haulage contractors conveyed from Manchester to Liverpool along the...
Harris and Resell, Ltd., of St. George's Road, Bristol, and 130, Great Portland Street, London, W3, the sole concessionnaires...
The new 2-ton Saurer chassis designed to be mounted on pneumatic tyres, referred to by us in our last issue, will have a new...
The first informal meeting of the session of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held on October 27th, and it is...
All those interested in the developmeat of cross-country transport will be glad to learn. that Crossley Motors Ltd., Gorton,...
The Daimler Co., of Marienfelde, have just produced a new four-wheel drive machine, which is a combined haulage and carrying...
Included in our page of paragraphs under the heading "Making Best Use of the Ford" are interesting details concerning several...
The Secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, has notified us of the following...
Some trials with motor trucks fitted with producer-gas plants have lately been carried out in the Belgian Ardennes under the...
Several Government departments gave out orders for motor vehicles to British firms during July last Thus . the G.P.O....
We are informed by the Greek Minister that the organizers of the Salonica Fair have found it necessary to postpone the opening...
On Thursday last Renault, Ltd., announced a scale of reduced prices for their commercial vehicles and commercial chassis. The...
A small error has occurred in ' the front cover of this issue and was noted too late for correction. In the advertisement of...
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At the last meeting of the Hartlepool Corporation a further step was taken towards the conversion of tramways to trolley-bus...
Motor vehicles valued at 94,134 dollars were imported into the United States during the month of June, this representing an...
A few days ago the General Vehicle Co., Ltd., in conjunction with the North Metropolitan Electric Power Co., carried out an...
of commercial motor vehicles into Czecho-Slovalcia are increasing at a greater rate than those of private cars. During the...
The Ministry of Transport has approved the new hackney carriage regalelions drafted by the Swansea Borough Council, and they...
Many of the leading corporations are realizing the wisdom of providing specially designed passenger chassis for the travelling...
In view of the increasing popularity of motor vehicles of all kinds and partieularly motor coaches, in transporting raeegoers...
The Metropolitan Asylums Board invites tenders for the supply of six petrol-driven pneumatic tyred ambulance chassis,...
"Tram tracks are veritable traps on the road," declared Mr. Ratcliffe Cousins, the West London Police Court magistrate, in...
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Certain of the South Wales local authorities have passed resolutions strongly protesting against any deviation froin the past...
All those interested in the employment of silent, roller and other types of chain should write to Hans Renold, Ltd., Didsbnry,...
The Tredegar Board of Guardians has petitioned the Merthyr Tydfil Council to grant licences to Western Services, Ltd. (per Mr....
One of the latest vehicles employing the Mark III "driver-over-engine "type Albion, which chassis, incidentally, is rapidly...
The Aberdare an authority that has a passenger-carrying service embracing both motorbuses \ and trackless trams, in addition to...
The Stainless and Non-Corrosive Metals Co., Ltd., having added several new lines to their list of products, have been obliged...
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Leeds Corporation is to seek a loan of £17,250 for the purchase of fifteen 30-seater motor omnibuses. South Shields...
We have received from the Gazolex Manufacturing Co., '48, Kingsbury Square, Aylesbury, Bucks, a copy of their Maintenance Hints...
In spite of the average dampness of the British climate, there are many occasions on which road users and others appreciate the...
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That it is not always so is now the opinion of the Minister of Transport, for the question as to whether emergency doors must...
By a recent Government decree the tax on the consumption of petrol in Italy has been reduced by 50 per cent. This tax varies...
At Oldham Corporation Tramways Committee a letter was read from the Royton Urban District Council, referring to an application...
The Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft, of MarienfeIde, Berlin, has recently supplied a fleet of four motor street-cleansing machines...
At Bolton Watch Committee a letter was received from the Ministry of Transport with reference to the refusal of the corporation...
Of late north country licensing authorities have steadily become more insistent upon the vrovision of better and safer vehicles...
The demand for Snell petrol and oils appears to be increasing rapidly, and to cope with the growing business Shell-Mex. Ltd.,...
A LLEGING that a motorbus licence ..ti-had been unreasonably and unfairly declined, Mr. A. E. Roberts, of Llanllechid, lodged...
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T FIE Daimler Co.,. Ltd., are now making three sizes of passenger-vehicle chassis, the C.K. type on a 13-ft. 6-in. wheelbase,...
I T WILL no doubt be remembered that about a year ago the Bradford corporation refused permission to the West Riding Automobile...
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A Resume of the Problems Which Have to be Solved, and of the Progress Which Has Been Made. TIOR MANY years past scientists in...
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Ar ANY efforts have been made to .111.provide some means for satisfactorily lubricating the upper portion of the cylinder above...
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A New Jib Crane, Hand or Power-operated, which Fulfils the Two Functions of Loading and Tipping. A LL THOSE concerned in the...
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The Growth, Present Position and Future Developments of Mechanical Road Transport are Considered at the British Association...
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MHE necessity for the frequent _L transport of valuable racehorses to and from the various race meetings often involves serious...
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T IT'TLE attention appears to have been paid to the proper housing of steam vehicles, in the light of the special requirements...
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B ETWEEN August 10th and 16th census was taken by order of the Ministry of Transport _(Road Department) of main roads traffic...
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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, Which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. I N THIS series of...
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Motorcar Hire Work a very Profitable Business if Well Conducted. How to Make a Start. F ROM time to time inquirers raise many...
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How the Life of a Vehicle can be Lengthened. A Chassis Automatically Lubricated so far as is at Present Practicable. J'...
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Details of a Body-suspension Device which is being used successfully by the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co.,...
Some Details of Recent Products, with Special Reference to a New 20-seater Bernet Bus. E XTENSIVE new works for the ,...
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A Passenger Vehicle of Attractive Appearance, the Basis of which is the B-type 30-cwt. Latil Chassis. T HE modern tendency in...
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A Criticism of British Productions by a Sydney (N.S.W.) Correspondent, Who is Believed to be Free from any Foreign Bias. TN...
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rrtHE old days, when the shooting brake u.sed to consist of an antiquated chassis and a still more ancient body, are seemingly...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2410] Sir,---The letters on this subject, which have appeared in The Commercial Motor, are...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2411] Sir,âWith reference to the article on page 789 of your issue dated August 4th, re...
The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [2412] Sir,âWith reference to the paragraph in your "One Hears" column of your issue of...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, [2413] Sir,âWith reference to the correspondence regarding various forms of final drive...
E FFICIENTLY to carry wheat, either in bulk or in sacks, it is advisable to utilize a special type of body, and one such is...
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Answers by Some of Our Driver and Mechanic Readers to Problems Which Have Arisen in Their Daily Work. A LMOST every Commercial...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. Q LITE a revolutionary method of driving by means of friction is...