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Was A Gross Load Of 1061-tons Excessive ?
Lancashire County Council report that a Manchester firm of haulage contractors conveyed from Manchester to Liverpool along the main road a stator weighing 90 tons 13 cwt., the......
Reo Price Reductions.
Harris and Resell, Ltd., of St. George's Road, Bristol, and 130, Great Portland Street, London, W3, the sole concessionnaires for Reo chassis, inform us that increased output......
New Saurer 0.11:i.v. Engine.
The new 2-ton Saurer chassis designed to be mounted on pneumatic tyres, referred to by us in our last issue, will have a new engine fitted with overhead valves operated by push......
I.a.e. Informal Meeting.
The first informal meeting of the session of the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held on October 27th, and it is suggested that petrol gauges should be demonstrated......
Crossley-kegresse Vehicles For The War Department.
All those interested in the developmeat of cross-country transport will be glad to learn. that Crossley Motors Ltd., Gorton, Manchester, have recently received an order from the......
A New German Daimler.
The Daimler Co., of Marienfelde, have just produced a new four-wheel drive machine, which is a combined haulage and carrying unit. It has a four-cylinder engine with a bore of......
Improvements In The British-built Ford.
Included in our page of paragraphs under the heading "Making Best Use of the Ford" are interesting details concerning several modifications which have just been made in, the......
C.m.u.a. Parades.
The Secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, has notified us of the following C.M.C.A. parade fixtures:-The Nottingham Parade will take......
Gas-producers For - The Belgian Congo.
Some trials with motor trucks fitted with producer-gas plants have lately been carried out in the Belgian Ardennes under the auspices of the State mining authorities of the......
Comrnercial Vehicle Orders.
Several Government departments gave out orders for motor vehicles to British firms during July last Thus . the G.P.O. authorities ordered a number-of vans from the hfaudslay......
Salonica International Fair.
We are informed by the Greek Minister that the organizers of the Salonica Fair have found it necessary to postpone the opening to a later date— probably the spring of 1926. This......
New Renault Prices.
On Thursday last Renault, Ltd., announced a scale of reduced prices for their commercial vehicles and commercial chassis. The new prices are as follow :-10-cwt. tradesman's van,......
Our Front Cover.
A small error has occurred in ' the front cover of this issue and was noted too late for correction. In the advertisement of the Morris 1-ton tipping lorry which is there......