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T HERE is a natural tendency whenever the subject I of transport education is discussed for the matter CI be considered solely...
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Proposal to Ministry on hours agrees with TRTA view E statutory working day of a driver should be redefined so that the...
AN appeal against the grant of six maximun capacity artics to British Railways by tt North Western deputy Licensing Authority...
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)1VI OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT -1E Conservative front bench in Parliament made a move this week to get angerously defective...
THE TRTA has awarded a prize for the first time to the candidate employed by a C-licence operator gaining the highest marks in...
THE quickest way to measure falling produc tion and trade was by the amount of transport that was required to carry it, said...
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baffle me" Swingler MANY licensing regulations were quite un intelligible 2to road transport operators, said Mr. Stephen...
?TRANSPORT Manager Wilson Glencross 1 and five lorry drivers were involved in "twin conspiracies" while their employer was off...
ARTICULATED vehicle accidents invol jack-knifing were far fewer than publ on the subject suggested, said members of Association...
MRS. BARBARA CASTLE has tabled lations to permit the general use portable sign to warn oncoming traffic temporary obstruction...
THE first of a new design of crane-carrier Achassis with low-level cab set forward of the engine and front axle has just been...
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HOWN for the first time in Britain is the Honda diesel engine on stand 245B at Smithfield Show, Earls Court, which closes ay....
FRACTION of a penny per packet of detergent—or about one-fiftieth of the 'ertising cost of that packet. . that was proportion...
A PACECO giant transporter crane will be in operation by June 30 as part of the new facilities at Felixstowe dock under the...
SPECULATION by The Times that the British Railways board was having second thoughts on the Channel tunnel has been officially...
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T HE first conurbation transport authorities likely to be established by Mrs. Castle in accordance with her White Paper are...
ONE of the aims of the Criminal Justice Bill, presented to Parliament last week, is to cut down the number of short sentences...
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looks like a winner By Derek Moses rr ESTTMONY to Metropolitan Cammell-Weymann's determination to enter the luxury coach...
• FROM OUR PARLIAMENTA B US operators will not necessarily re rebates for any future increases in duties. Mr. Stephen...
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( A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT 'HE seven-week East Yorkshire Motor Services Ltd. strike is er. The Transport and General orkers'...
T HE Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Callag han, gave a clear indication in the Commons last week that the Government would...
application 4, I NTO its last three days on Wednesday at Leeds before the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners went the marathon...
?RESPONDENT vernment had in mind any further increase in petrol tax. His information was that the bus companies teemed had...
ALL Sunderland Corporation Transport buses will be fitted with "magic eye" code plates at an estimated cost of 120,000 to...
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B RITISH RAILWAYS this week applied for 16 articulated outfits of 141+ tons unladen for its Aberdeenarea Freightliner...
SCO1TISH LA Mr. A. B. Birnie ordered in Edinburgh on Tuesday as a "token penalty" the suspension of one of the fleet of 19...
EN the hearing of a heavily contested fig application by Charles Eden Ltd., of Wt cester, resumed at Worcester on Monday, h D....
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/LANS to carry all its long-haul goods between London and Scotland eventually by rail were ferred to by Mr. John Cooper,...
VHEN G. W. Thompson Jewitt and Co. Ltd., of Notts., applied to the Cardiff LA on lesday for five B-licence vans, Mr. G. H....
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THE British Railways Board will welcome private hauliers into their Freightliner terminals. Their literature says so: their...
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DUAL-PURPOSE HOYNOR MAKES ITS BOW A TOP DECK that can be lowered on the bottom deck to form a platform vehicle suitable for...
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'rakes will have high safety factor J. P. Wilding, AM1MeehE. M1RTE, sts Rockwell-Standard system th novel actuation. I -...
A STRONG defence of the British commercial vehicle industry was made at Lincoln last week by Mr. L. R. Mumford, works director...
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the semi-trailer taking an ever increasing bite into general haulage traffic, and the larger rigid steadily losing its place on...
T HE latter part of 1967 has been tentatively set as a target date by the Road Transport Industry Training Board for the...
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T HE economic viability of designated routes for larger vehicles might be closely tied to the development of container traffic,...
F. J. Speight has resigned as secretary of George Ewer and Co. Ltd. to devote all his time to his responsibilities as joint...
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and publications Space protector burglar alarm F IRST completely portable burglar alarm is the Vedette, which also detects...
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Wait For It! T HE news that ex-girl guide commissioner Mrs. Aubrey Jones is to head a new company—Organized Office Designs--in...
W HEN I met driver Wally Churchill, of Chard Transport Co., Ltd.. recently, I was amused to hear what happened when he...
T HE drinking of a Loyal Toast at lunches and dinners is a mark of respect following which smoking is allowed. At the Motor...
N EW-TYPE Underground tickets now being used experimentally by London Transport are causing some passenger bewilderment....
T HERE are now no fewer than 16 holders of 40-year-awards —signifying a driving life free from blameworthy accident or...
I MUST admit to being cynical about most industrial films, since they arc patently intended to advertise their sponsors'...
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B y no means all of the 300 delegates at the RHA conference at Torquay this year were convinced by the powerful advocacy of Sir...
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-r I VER the next 10 years the number of cars will double, 14.../ while there will be a corresponding continued decline in the...
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Hobson's choice? YOUR interview with Sir Donald Stokes leaves one with the impression that Leyland Motors are well satisfied...
rIEW if any influences affect share price movements more sharply than the amount of the distribution. This was amply proved in...
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and some of engineering problems TAST week I mentioned migcoupling and the work that it brought the engineer. To keep clear...
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O NLY two passengers were killed in train accidents in 1965, according to the annual report of the chief inspecting officer of...
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E STIMATING the cost of operating a commercial vehicle must obviously be subject to many variations stemming from the type of...
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reducing the pressure of re tyres provides a better grip. Is this vrect? k On a wet road, the effective coefficient of...
for flexibility because ' seasonal demands and other reasons and nes not the law already provide for it? 'hat are your views?...
tractive unit and semi-trailer and, as regards to the plating regulations, it would seem I would have difficulty in providing...
A We think what you have in mind is the change that has been made regarding the definition of "goods vehicle" in the new Motor...
KHE 8-tonner with Leyland 0.400 engine and five-speed overdrive gearbox. Could! fit a six-speed gearbox? I have been told by a...
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OSE who firmly believe in the establishment of a management college for road transport, would do well, at the outset, to make a...