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Bird's Eye View By The Hawk
Wait For It! T HE news that ex-girl guide commissioner Mrs. Aubrey Jones is to head a new company—Organized Office Designs--in collaboration with management consultant John......
Red Carpet Treatment
W HEN I met driver Wally Churchill, of Chard Transport Co., Ltd.. recently, I was amused to hear what happened when he delivered an urgently needed gearbox processing machine to......
Smoke Or Respect?
T HE drinking of a Loyal Toast at lunches and dinners is a mark of respect following which smoking is allowed. At the Motor Industry Research Association's lunch last week, it......
What A Beef!
N EW-TYPE Underground tickets now being used experimentally by London Transport are causing some passenger bewilderment. Journey and fare details, I gather, are impregnated in......
Safe Beginnings
T HERE are now no fewer than 16 holders of 40-year-awards —signifying a driving life free from blameworthy accident or infringement of traffic laws—among the 300,000 drivers who......
Without A Plug
I MUST admit to being cynical about most industrial films, since they arc patently intended to advertise their sponsors' products, However, I do commend the latest Vauxhall......