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• • Advertising Motif A N increasing number of letters sent to us with the object of their being published in this journal...
Pedestrians are Not T'ITAT small but very vonAl ways Blameless I ierous body, the Pedestrians Martyrs Association, may be...
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That Germany will soon be "deodorized. Of two-speed axles becoming more popular in the U.S.A. That railways. Without roadways...
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ROAD MOTORS FOR COAL MET ALL DEMANDS rijUR.ING 'the cold spell there have Libeen many 'complaints as to the non-delivery of...
• e PITCH QOON after the start of the war inciastrial users of imported petro learn fuel oils were asked to rep*. them,...
IT is announced that Specialloid /Pistons (London Sale's, Ltd., 194, Gt. Portland Street, London, W.1, has changed its name to...
I AM more than ever satisfied. that . we did the right thing in insisting that our constitution and system, of' management...
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what the prosecuting solicitor, Mr. J. T. lialsall, described as a " raCket " for obtaining expenses when away on long-distance...
T HE reason why the masks are not removed from traffic lights is that, with the present subdued street lighting, it woUld...
Trade has sent the following letter to the Minister of War Transport:— " It is with great regret that the executive of the...
IN our_issue dated January 19 we published a couple of illustrations giving a good idea of the advantages gained by both...
opposition from several Members of the House of Commons, the Bill which provides that the carrying of a red rear light by...
MR. T. //I.E . Li.oa, of Salford, has been elected chairman of the East Lancashire and Cheshire Division of the Motor Agents'...
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S PEAKING at the tenth o.g.m. of Tecalemit, Ltd., last week, Mr. W. J. Pars low, managing director. mentioned that the...
• BRIDGES OVER THE TYNE 1 1 4,JEGOTIATIONS have been coml. Npleted for the freeing from tolls of Ovingham Bridge, it was...
E LECTED to the management committee of the Liverpool 'Cart and • Motor Owners' Association, Ltd. (Liverpool No. 1 Sub-Area of...
A SCHEME for overcoming one of the peculiarities of synthetic rubber, which had been giving troublg in the tyre shops, was the...
H OPES of an early withdrawaf of the ban on return bus fares in the Northern Region have been dispelled by an announcement by...
(NUITE like old times was the g.athering of dealers at Longbridge, ,Birmingham,. on Tuesday of last week, to see the immediate...
E ARLY on January 18 the Service authorities in the South of England notified the M.O.W.T. that a consignment of vital war...
nELIVERING his second presiden tial address before the Society of Engineers, last Monday, Mr. .Frank Parfett claimed that...
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A CCORDING to a report received from the Instittite • of Traffic Administration, 2, Caxton Street, Westminter, London, S.W.1,...
A A SCHEME has been put into operation by the Ford Motor Co., 'Ltd.,. Dagenham, whereby help is given to employees whose homes...
A MIDLAND section of the Women's .t1 Traffic Club of Great Britain was formed on January 24, Miss Dorothy Cornforth, of the...
at 5.30 p.m., at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. W. H. Lund will read before the I.A.E. a paper entitled "A Survey...
First News of a New Prime Mover which Dispenses with Petrol and Oil Fuel. Elimination of Both Clutch and Gearbox S OMETHING...
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At the First Meeting of the National Council of the New Road By . Haulage Association Mr. Duffield was Elected to be its...
The death has occurred, at Darlington, of MR. WILLIAM PERCIVAL, founder and managing director of Percival 'Bros. (Coaches),...
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A Résumé of an Interesting Paper Read by Mr. J. A. Clarke, A.M.Inst.T., Before Members of the Belfast Rotary Club O N January...
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A Review of the Latest Equipment and Systems Designed by Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., for Ambulances, Motor Coaches, and Single....
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UERIES CONGRATULATIONS TO _ MR. HOWES ON HIS NEW BOOK T . CONSIDER that Mr. E. B. Howes can be credited 1 with being the...
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Legal Liabilities of a Drive-yourself Hire-car Business Government Intervention in Hire-car Business Possible: Risks That a...
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A SOMEWHAT novel form of service for a pedestriancOntrolled electric vehicle has been adopted by th e education committee of...
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By A. W. Haigh, A.M.I.A.E. In this, the First of Two Articles on the Subject of Buying a New Vehicle, Our Contributor Deals...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published T O ensure that the driver's 'pedal ' receives a reaction...