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• Tecalemit Continues To Progress
S PEAKING at the tenth o.g.m. of Tecalemit, Ltd., last week, Mr. W. J. Pars low, managing director. mentioned that the chairman, Mr. S. G Gates, C.B.E., was at present in......
Freeing From Toll All
• BRIDGES OVER THE TYNE 1 1 4,JEGOTIATIONS have been coml. Npleted for the freeing from tolls of Ovingham Bridge, it was announced at a recent meeting of Northumberland County......
Elections To Liverpool Association's .141anagement
E LECTED to the management committee of the Liverpool 'Cart and • Motor Owners' Association, Ltd. (Liverpool No. 1 Sub-Area of R.H.A.), are the following:—Messrs. T. P. Flanagan......
Worker's Idea To Overcome • Synthetic-rubber Trouble '
A SCHEME for overcoming one of the peculiarities of synthetic rubber, which had been giving troublg in the tyre shops, was the winner out of 890 ideas put into the suggestions •......
No Lifting Of Ban On Return Bus Fares
H OPES of an early withdrawaf of the ban on return bus fares in the Northern Region have been dispelled by an announcement by the Regional Transport Commissioner, Sir John......
Austin Dealers Examine Post - War Vehicle
(NUITE like old times was the g.athering of dealers at Longbridge, ,Birmingham,. on Tuesday of last week, to see the immediate post-war Austin commercial vehicles which were......
Notable Achievement By Six R.h.o. Drivers
E ARLY on January 18 the Service authorities in the South of England notified the M.O.W.T. that a consignment of vital war material, occupying over 3,000 cubic ft., was required......
The Views Of An Engineering President
nELIVERING his second presiden tial address before the Society of Engineers, last Monday, Mr. .Frank Parfett claimed that there was a widespread and growing opinion amongst......