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B OTH the British Transport Commission and the Ulster Transport Authority have similar responsibilities. They are each charged...
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Pr HE huge output of commercial vehicles, in both the goods and passenger fields, from British factories is, at present,...
Welcome the Stranger pARTIES given in the course at those Cocktail A of business are not Parties generally intended merely as...
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Of the Channel swimmer who said that he was a little water tender. That he would not, however, be of much use to the Fire...
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A LICENCE to run nightly services 1 — kfrom Glasgow and Edinburgh to London, in competition with the State-owned companies, was...
Titus year there will he even fewer
Ministry of Supply has cut the allocation to British users from the original figure, of 95,000. consisting of 86.500 goods...
O VER 200 Members of Parliament are to support a motion in favour of a 30 m.p.h. speed limit for heavy goods vehicles, in the...
O RDERS from Finland valued at £150,000 have been piaced with Leyland Motors, Ltd., following the recent conclusion of the...
O NE of the most important events in the Road Haulage Association's calendar was the luncheon of the Central London Sub-area,...
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C ONCLUDING a three-day hearing at Paignton, last week,' which resulted from the refusal of the Western and Southern National...
A NY decision on selling its motorbuses to a private company has been delayed by Cardiff City Council, following a meeting held...
N EW mileage and passenger records have been created by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd. In 1950. the...
F ACED with falling revenue and the highest expenditure in 50 years, Sunderland Transport Department will make an estimated...
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A LL L L classes of trader are cornplaining about the services they are obtaining [from the Road Haulage Executive], The...
MR. JOHN anon . . _M.Inst.T., has succeeded SiR EUST ACE M IssENDEN, 0.B.E..• as chairman of the Railway Executive. MR. T. H....
P RICES of Bedford vehicles rose I between £25 and £80 this week. The higher cost of raw materials and components, particularly...
I N an effort to prevent lorries from being parked in residential areas. Sedgley Urban District Council has sent a test case to...
S KILLED mechan:cs in the retail motor trade have been awarded a 2,1t1.-an-hour wage increase by the National Arbitration...
T HE following Ii British makes of commercial vehicle will be exhibited at the Geneva Show from March 8-18: A.E.0 , Austin,...
rOMMENTING on the report that L." the new conveyor laid down by Leyland Motors, Ltd., was believed to be the only assembly line...
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" IF the present fares remained," Isaid Mr. M. A. B. King-Hamilton, appearing for the United Transport Co., Ltd. (Red and...
K.J. Motors, Ltd., 137-149, Widmorc Road, Bromley, will hold a Bedford show week from February 12-17 • Messrs. Swiss Motors,...
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"A LL things considered. there have been very few complaints of the service given by British Road Services in Scotland....
"C RAFTSMANSHIP is as essential in transport as in any other industry. There must be the will to work: under the present...
A LTHOUGH a small boilerhouse to - / - 1 supply heat for radiators was to be the only building to be constructed on the site,...
O NE of the longest four-wheeled buses to be put into operation in Norway is a new Leyland Tiger export model OPS.4. it has an...
still under discussion within the British Transport Commission, having been returned with the Minister of Transport's...
IT is estimated that well o-ver,£25,000 1 has been lost in the past two years by tradesmen and business people in the twin...
A T a recent meeting of Walsall Cham ber of Commerce, it was decided to ask Mr. W. T. Wells, the local M.P., to support the...
fI N instructions from the Ministry of Transport, Essex County Council has informed the National Farmers' Union that "F"...
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WITH a capacity of 12 tons, a lightVV alloy tipping body built by Motor Distributors, Ltd., StanningIey Road, Leeds, 12, weighs...
I T was doubtful whether the nationali zation of road passenger transport would produce greater efficiency. The Transport Act,...
T HE Continental tour offered at an inclusive price had a marked attraction for some people, and the easing of the...
P URCHASE tax on goods-vehicle chassis was criticized by Mr. H. Mortimore, general sales manager of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd.,...
F ORTHCOMING meetings of the Institute of Traffic Administration include the following:— March 12, Merseyside centre. lecture...
A N experiment in interavailable tickets is to be tried in Glasgow. It is proposed that for a period of six months, a shuttle...
A ' part of its advertising scheme to attract traffic, the Road Haulage Executive has published two attractively produced...
F UTURE meetings of the Institute of Transport include the following:— February 13: Guildford group, discussion on...
r nAMAGE costing thousands of to/ pounds must have been caused to goods carried by State transport throughout the country, it...
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WHEN the House of Lords discussed IN road accidents, last week, Lord Sandhurst raised the question of the 20 m.p.h. speed limit...
T HE possibility of deciding upon a programme for the abandonment of trams is likely to be discussed between Glasgow's...
S PECIALLY built to oil-industry specifications, a new 6,300-gallon petrol tanker was demonstrated at a recent conference of...
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We promised to build all the motorways needed: The bad roads of old would be all superseded : If ever men meant what they said,...
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says L J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. T HE Sentinel light six-wheeler has a deceptive performance. From the cab, the engine has all...
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I N 1949, London Transport evolved a garage layout that was to form a basis for future premises. It was realized that...
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p ITY the poor body designer. He is presented with a bare chassis to clothe with bodywork, at the front of which, until...
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Organization By C. S. DU N BAR, M.Inst.T. .... T RAVELLERS from the south often miss the northeast corner of Scotland beyond...
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M OST transport undertakings are finding that in the race against rising costs, traffic receipts are on the losing side....
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T O combat mass illiteracy in the more backward areas of the world, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural...
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services and the integration of road and rail transport, the Ulster Transport 4uthority (Northern Ireland's equivalent of the...
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THE fleet of vehicles used on the new pipe-laying project of the Iraq 'etroleum Co„ Ltd., from Kirkuk to he Eastern...
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The. Importance of having Some System of Cost Recording is Stressed in this Article, which also Deals with the Minimum — daily...
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E XPER1ENCE gained during the war LA in starting the oil engines of military vehicles in abnormally low temperatures has been...
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T 0 make the injected charge diminish as the engine speed rises is the aim of a modified injection pump shown in patent No....