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"very Few Complaints" Of B.r.s. In Scotland: Bus Revenue...
"A LL things considered. there have been very few complaints of the service given by British Road Services in Scotland. Occasional delays have been largely due to congestion at......
No Need For • 25-mile Limit
"C RAFTSMANSHIP is as essential in transport as in any other industry. There must be the will to work: under the present regime, the Transport Act takes away that will. The......
£500 Development Charge On Six Acres
A LTHOUGH a small boilerhouse to - / - 1 supply heat for radiators was to be the only building to be constructed on the site, Edinburgh Corporation had to pay a development......
39-ft.-long Leyland In Norway
O NE of the longest four-wheeled buses to be put into operation in Norway is a new Leyland Tiger export model OPS.4. it has an overall length of 39 ft. 3 ins. The body was built......
N.e. Scheme Discussions The North-eastern Passenger...
still under discussion within the British Transport Commission, having been returned with the Minister of Transport's observations. The Minister could not say last week when it......
No Buses: Traders Lose Over £25,000
IT is estimated that well o-ver,£25,000 1 has been lost in the past two years by tradesmen and business people in the twin Lanarkshire towns of Mossend and Bellshill becaus:......
Support For Bill From Walsall'
A T a recent meeting of Walsall Cham ber of Commerce, it was decided to ask Mr. W. T. Wells, the local M.P., to support the Transport (Amendment) Bill. Mr. 0. Jones said that it......
F For Flowers?
fI N instructions from the Ministry of Transport, Essex County Council has informed the National Farmers' Union that "F" licences should not be issued to any farmer if the......