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R OAD transport carries on this year under definitely better auspices than those under which it commenced the year 1941. We do...
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There are Some AR D is the war-time lot of Jobs the Railways CanI I the country carrier. We not Do know one in the South of...
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That knowledge brings understanding. That we can't know too much about America. That the Atlantic is becoming more of a ,...
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fiUCH has already been said in this IV/journal concerning various methods of grouping transport in order to economize in the...
A MOVE of considerable importance and one which will ease the difficulties of the haulage section of the industry, in so far...
UNDER the original Order made by 1....0the Minister of Transport some 18 months ago, it became an offence to acquire an...
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B ECAUSE of higher operating costs, an increase of 10 per cent., as from January 1, in members hourly rates for road-haulage...
WILLINGNESS on the part of YorkW shire operators of bus services and haulage vehicles to assist in snow clearance and the...
THEFT of a load of brass, valued at 1 £700, from a lorry owned by a Leeds haulage concern, is reported as one of the latest...
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New 90 b.h.p. Machine with Pneumatic Tyres Shortly to be Included in Range Handled by Jack 0/ding and Co., Ltd. 'TO the best...
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, a S. Campbell INTENSIVE study, development and competition over !the past 15 years have produced the modern transport oil...
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WITH the rapid expansion of Britain's war effort, the VV need for many large munition works becomes increasingly important....
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I N last week's article in this series. I showed that a parcels carrier, operating two vehicles, one of 30-cwt. capacity and...
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your issue of December 19, draws certain conclusions which appear to call for some reply or even cor rection. . There is,a...
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VOUR-WHEEL drive is certainly in the limelight lately. Numerous inventors appear to be paying considerable attention to solving...
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connected with the use Of COMmercial motors. Letters should be written on only one side of the paper. The right of abbreviation...
T HE fact that the subject Of this letter is a matter of national importance is our reason for requesting that you give it...
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T HE Chief Inspector of Mechanical Transport, R.A.S.C., has sent us a useful form of Christmas greeting, on one side of which...
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Four-wheel Steerers S TEERING arrangementsments for vehicles with four or more dirigible wheels form the subject of patent No....