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iE NEWS this week that most of the National Bus operating companies have turned .avy losses into substantial profits must...
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THE FREIGHT Transport Ass. ciation has highlighted the lac of service areas on the M25 Loi don orbital route. There are no 62...
THE TRADE unions involved in the testing of heavy goods al passenger vehicles were this week reporting back to Transpc...
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THIS WEEK director of MAN-VW Truck and Bus Richard Ide ended the nine-month silence since major shareholder VAG took control....
Class 1 Livery competition winner, Hilliers, wasted no time with iew livery according to managing director Robert Neuhoff, seen...
OVER 400 jobs are to be axed at Leyland Vehicle's lorry plant at Bathgate, near Edinburgh. This follows 196 redundancies...
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IN a radical move the EEC Commission has proposed that the tight controls of international road transport within the European...
THE International Road Transport Union (IRU), Geneva, has just published Edition No. 17 (June 83) of its Selection of...
THE CM Lorry Driver of the Ye final is now just over tv months away and more finalis have been chosen to compete Cranfield,...
TWO HUNDRED and forty operators so far have booked to atte the Road Haulage Association's first annual conference abroad....
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MITCHELL COTTS Freight (UK) has moved into new purpose-built premises at Rainham in Essex. The new facility provides...
THE FIRST Government gra aimed at taking traffic off ti roads and on to waterways h been given to Millgate lnve ments of...
THE FREIGHT Transport Association has set up a scheme offeri independent advice on a range of vehicle related matters to...
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URGENT call for a £100m estment scheme to improve principal roads around Birigham and the West Midcis over the next 10 years...
FOXGROVE SOFTWARE of Beckenham in Kent is offering a micro-computer system for fleet management. The Foxgrove Fleet Program,...
A FORMER North Shropshire haulage contractor, now working as a driver for Palethorpes, the meat product firm, has agreed to pay...
THE KENNING Motor Group is intending to raise £9.1m through a rights issue of over 10m ordinary shares on a one for three...
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A FIVE-SPEED gearbox is now St Range Rovers. Coupled to the Land Rover LT23OR transfer box — introduced last year on the Range...
YORK has converted its first Volvo 4X2 to a 6x2 rear steer. The vehicle operated by H. Frost and Sons of Bury St Edmunds has...
LAURENT BRISSET, chairman and managing director of Karrier Motors, has denied rumours that the company will stop building Dodge...
A MORE competitive versio Karrier Motors' Command Dodge G13 fire applicance cl sis has been introduced. Powered by Perkins 12...
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NEW 24-hour emergency service scheme for Renault and Dodge erators is now available from Karrier Motors. Promoted under the...
)0DYEAR Transformers has mpleted an investment proamme at its Birmingham facy which enables it to offer ge transformers with up...
A NEW OIL pressure test kit from Webster Instruments of Somersham, Cambridgeshire, is designed to give quick access for...
THIS BOALLOY spineback is one London multi-drop deliveries. The body is rebuilt round a single central member to give a...
BUTEC ELECTRICS has invested over Eihm in a new climatic test complex. It comprises five test cells, each capable of taking a...
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A MORE CONSISTENT and long-term policy for transport is required, says the National Bus Company in a briefing paper sent to all...
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)POSALS by a number of coach operators to run limited-stop 'ices in direct competition with the local rail service from shire...
NEW TOP London policeman Sir Kenneth Newman has criticised the Government's policy of liberalising coach service. The recent...
TRAFFIC Commissioners for the South Eastern Traffic Area have decided not to revoke the psv operator's licence held by...
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THE OPERATORS' licensing system is to be fundamentally changed as soon as the provision of the Transport Act 1983 are brought...
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A DEFENDER of legitimate Its of our heavy vehicles to their trade on our roads for benefit of the community at le. I am...
WE LIVE in a wasteful society. Huge quantities of bottles and wood and newsprint are thrown away. Good machines are scrapped....
IN RESPONSE to Mr D. C. Barnett's letter inCM of June 11, because I was speaking extempore at the BAR conference in Brighton. I...
I NEVER SEEM to see any letters from actual drivers in your letters page, so here is one you might like to print. How many of...
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The hope of real job satisfaction prompted a Bristol ambulance driver to sink his savings in a 1976 tipper and set up his own...
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'FORMATION on starting in Jsiness is available from soyal organisations. ("How to ake your business grow" — nancial Market, CM...
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JOHN ANCRUM was a Gateshead owner-driver and had a steel haulage contract when a bad accident on a motorway put him off the...
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1BIDE-TIPPED drills (but not 5onry drills) can now be round using the new - nand wheel from Adko irpening Machine Co. of...
HOSE CLIPS have a nasty habit of failing just at the wrong moment and often the right sized one is out of stock. To help the...
A RANGE of four commercial and domestic air jacks from Polstar Engineering have been designed to provide a simple means of...
THE ELIMINATION of towel waste and improved hygiene are two of the features of the Towelaire Mercury from Towelaire...
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:H OPERATION seems to rvith building and decorata business to start up in times are hard. re is, or rather should be, 3y the...
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ANY driver who regularly operates through Dover will be familiar with the present dining facilities at the Eastern Docks....
THE LATEST and youngest addition to our team of area officers is John Dunk, aged 24. He has been working in the transport...
WE HEAR from our members that the French Police have a quaint folk custom of liveninj those tedious waits at the tol with...
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yman's guide to intricacies of the :ern, by Mike herford THAT you have read the headline you might be to yourself "Who can /e...
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AFTER Daf's directors in Holland set up a British subsidiary in 1973, they might well have asked themselves: What have we done?...
A POLICE REPORT described as "worrying" the fact that many of the 34 people killed on West Somerset roads last year "were...
IF you are going to an EEC country and are not insured against illness, you need to be in top form, starting with SA30/1982...
A VINTAGE Austin van may have been appropriate to the delivery of reproduction antique furniture but was not the essence of...
THE BRITISH Motor Industry Heritage Trust, whose formal was announced on July 5, is I more than a display of histori vehicles....
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You're set on making a name for yourself as an operator but money's short so you're starting second-hand. The best bet is...
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The VW Transporter can hardly be faulted. Its ride, load and comfort make it an outstanding van. Bryan Jarvis reports THE...
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Terberg is known, if known at all, as a specialist concentrating on 8x8, 6x6 and 4x4 chassis, using mainly Volvo components....
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E PRIMARY air circuit for air ings fitted to commercial ides is shown in Figure 1. It be seen that the air supply les from the...