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Ming Apegoats
A DEFENDER of legitimate Its of our heavy vehicles to their trade on our roads for benefit of the community at le. I am surprised by the fly insidious attacks on heavy 'ides.......
Don't Chuck It, Smith
WE LIVE in a wasteful society. Huge quantities of bottles and wood and newsprint are thrown away. Good machines are scrapped. One recalls the success of the Government "Save-It"......
Rtitb Levy Payments
IN RESPONSE to Mr D. C. Barnett's letter inCM of June 11, because I was speaking extempore at the BAR conference in Brighton. I hope I did not say anything which was misleading......
You Too Can Get Stuck Inl
I NEVER SEEM to see any letters from actual drivers in your letters page, so here is one you might like to print. How many of you young transport/traffic managers understand......