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T HE question of the fares to be charged in connection with any road passenger trims • port undertaking is an exceedingly....
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W HATEVER, may be said about the present vehicle-weight restrictions, undoubtedly future good must come of them in the...
Air ANY interesting facts come' to light when - 1 -Vla. comparison is made between commercialvehicle registrations vf or the...
T HE oil engine is receiving an increasing amount of attention In the private-car world and the capabilities of this type of...
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Of no hill that cannot be commercial motored. That the voice of those who curse the tar-sprayer is heard in the land. That...
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" Thewheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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One day last week Mr. J. V. J. Malone read a paper before the Royal Society of Arts, London, on the subject of "A New Prime...
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Tenders for a new fire-engine are to be invited by the IlawnoN Urban District Council. The cleansing committee of LEEDS...
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From time to time new methods have been evolved for the insertion of new valve -seatings into old cylinder blocks. One of the...
The Commercial Secretary to the Residency, Egypt, reports that the municipalities and local commissions section is calling for...
Last year the Chester 'Corporation's buses-made a profit of £4,900. • Shore Terrace is to be developed into a central ....
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ROAD ROLLER TN road construction the use of a _troller is essential, whether for feunclationor surfacing work, and in...
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T IIE , private-hire ,vehicle is one that has a . definite place of utility in the realm of commercial ,transport, and since...
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The New Trader Six with Set-back Front Axle Proves Its General Ability on Heavy Haulage r1OODS-CARRYING have, in recent years,...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3423] Sir,—Perusal of technical journals during the past year leads one to conclude that...
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A Forwatd-control Chassis for 6-ton Loads, Incorporating a Four-cylindered Engine, Servo Braking and a Special Form of...
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Newspaper's MOBILE PR 4TING PRESS A T Epsom Downs last week, when the Derby was being ran, a remarkable motor vehicle was...
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A Distributing Concern Introduces an Interesting Modification of the New and Popular 2-tonner A FORWARD-CONTROL modification...
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(AN May 16th, 1931; the Minister of Transport issued, kJ regulations governing" the equiptuent and use of publicservice...
MEE freely expressed opinion con cerning the 21st Annual Congress of the Tramways, Eight. Railways and Transport Association,...
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I N our issue of April 8th, 1930, we described the general working principles of the Rodger engine, operating on the two-stroke...
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I N a new type of hydraulic recoil damper introduced by Armstrong's Patents Co., Ltd. Beverley, East Yorkshire, one of die two...
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of Passenger Transport Latest News from he Various Traffic Areas A S has been announced in 111te, C ontmercial Motor, an...
OME interesting matters arose at the usual monthly meeting of the Motor Omnibus Proprietors' Association, which was held...
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W HEN Daimler Hire, Ltd., 243, . Knightsbridge, London, S.W.'', started, under the name "Daimlerways," its new venture of...
A Nimportant question regarding the principle of permitting co-operative Societies to run coaches arose at last week's sittings...
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I N our issue for last week we published a letter which the Minister of Transport caused to be sent to the secretary of the -....
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I N the not-far-distant future it will probably be quite common to find that body weights average rather less than half...
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Sliding Tilt Body T BE sliding tilt is a useful form of covering for the van which is to be used for conveying a number of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HREE of the patents published this week bear the name of P. If. &demi,...