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Mixed Reception For Road Expenditure
T HE increased expenditure on roads in the 1959-60 Civil Estimates has been greeted by the British Road Federation as a welcome trend. At the same time, the Federation's Aril......
Greater . Speeds May Bring New Pay Claim
IN four days time the national corn' mince of the busmen's section of the Transport and General Workers' Union will meet, and high on the list of important agenda items for......
Pickfords Oppose Bid For W.d. Haulage
QTRONG opposition was put forward by the British Transport Commission at Bristol, last week, when Rusher Bros., Salisbury, tried to vary their 13-vehicle B licences so that they......
Irregularities Must Be Cleared Up
H AULIERS' operating costs in the 'Hull area have generally risen during the past 12 months because too many vehicles are usually available, yet haulage rates have gone down by......