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Fta Intends New Structure Next April
• The Freight Transport Association's two-tier structure of 46 areas and eight divisions is to be streamlined into a single tier of 24 new divisions next April if an autumn......
Crisp Buys Into Europe
• R. K. Crisp, the haulage subsidiary of Richards and Wallington Industries, has announced an agreement to purchase a French haulage company, Centrale Routier SA. The price,......
Keith Sabey, 27, divisional manager for United Carriers at Caerphilly, has been appointed Winchester divisional manager and will be based at the company's new Alton depot, His......
Rha Management Course
• The next one-week course sponsored by the Road Haulage Association for directors and senior managers of road haulage companies will be held at Ashbridge College, Berkhamsted,......
Transport Award .
for wine man • Dick Insoll, director of the Wine and Spirit Association, and at one time secretary of the RHA's International Group, has been awarded by the Chartered Institute......