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.ighter Man On Rial In The East
A lightweight 38-tonne active unit aimed at payloadinscious fleet Operators has :en developed by an MAN ialer in East Anglia. The tractor is based on the AN F90 series.......
Mcas Injects Steyr 1 1 11 I Lucas Diesel Systems Is To
roduce the diesel injection ystems for the Steyr Ml lonobloc direct-injection diesel ngine (CM 7-13 July 1988). he systems will use the teyr-developed modulated inTtion......
Is Converted
• Volkswagen will offer catalytic converters as an option on its Transporter and LT ranges from early 1990. The Vow-emission versions are based on those already engineered for......
Longer Cab For Master
• A new crewcab extension for the Renault Master cab range has been launched by Whitacre's. The Hanley, Stoke-on-Trentbased coachbuilding company has designed the crewcab to......