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New System To Free Motorway Blockages
• by Guy Sheppard A new traffic management system could help eliminate motorway bottlenecks by controlling the flow of vehicles on entry slip roads. Six sites on the M3 and the......
Wheel Of Death
• A council road worker was killed when a wheel came off a truck in Dublin last week. The wheel detached from the near side rear axle of a rigid travelling south on the main......
Granada's Food Is 'dreary And Inedible'
• Yet again motorway service stations have been slammed for their poor quality food with Granada's offerings branded disgusting, dreary and inedible. This time experts from The......
• A Haulier's Dinner Party For Staff Turned Out To
be a costly celebration—thieves broke into the premises while they were out and stole £60,000 worth of lorry tyres. Complete Logistics of Relton Mew Industrial Estate, Coventry,......