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Mat Grows In Holland • Mat Transport, The Dutch Company
within the MAT Group, has opened a new depot and warehouse complex in Zwijndrecht, near Dortrecht in the Netherlands. The depot will provide warehousing and distribution......
Ocean Cory In Walsall • The Passenger Transport Division Of
the Ocean Cory Tyre Company has moved to West Bromwich Road, Tamebridge, Walsall, West Midlands WS5 4AN. The Bandag Tyre Company is an Ocean Cory trading name.......
Rts At Langar For Bremhill • Trailer Manufacturer Rts Group
has been bought by Bremhill Industries and restructured under the name RTS International. wrs is now trading from new premises at Langar, 15Icm east of Nottingham, with a new......
Swoon Heavies Going Up • Oldham-based Truck Manufacturer...
has raised the prices on the majority of its 2-11, 3-11 and 4-11 models by an average of 3.9%. Typical prices for selected models (ex-VAT) are: 2-11 3.8m-wheelbase 4x2 tipper......
N Ew Prices For Fourtrak • Daihatsu Has Released The
prices for its latest Fourtrak four-wheel-drive models (see CM Light Vehicle News 3-9 December). The new prices (ex-VAT) are as follows:......
Fleet-man Software From Ies (uk) • Bristol-based Ies (uk)...
launched new fleet management computer software called Fleet-Man which can provide either partial or total management of a haulier's fleet operations and all maintenance......
In-cab Cooking From Adrec • The Plug-in Range Of Cooking
equipment which is designed for use in the cab is now available from Adrec International, based at Hemel Hempstead. The range includes a jug kettle, frying pan and a cooking......
Vat Leaflet For Tour Operators Ni Coach Tour Operators, Who
face a new VAT scheme from 1 April 1988, can obtain an explanatory leaflet from local VAT offices. Alternatively contact HM Customs and Excise on 01-382 5468/69/71.......
Out Of Court Settlements • The Commissioner Of Customs &
Excise has reviewed its policy on the VAT treatment of payments made under out-of-court settlements of disputes after proceedings have been started by service of originating......
Bvrla Courses For Bosses • During January The British...
Rental and Leasing Association is holding courses for managers in contract hire and leasing sectors. There are five classes: Rental Operators is recommended for new managers or......