10th February 1940, Page 21
10th February 1940
Page 21
Page 21, 10th February 1940
News Of The Week
SIDE LIGHTS ON TRAILERS— THE LEGAL POSITION A CERTAIN amount of doubt has arisen as to the new lighting regulations applicable to trailers. The latter must now display the same......
Banding Hauliers Together For Wool Haulage
P R 0 POS ALS for forming an organization of road hauliers to handle local wool haulage in the West Riding textile area of Yorkshire for the Wool Control, established by the......
Growing Opposition To Further Wage Increases
T HE Trades Unions' application for a further increase in road haulage wages, on top of the scales now enforced under the Road Haulage Wages Order, was tabled at a meeting, in......