10th January 1941, Page 20
10th January 1941
Page 20

Page 20, 10th January 1941
Icy Roads Must Not Hold Up War-time Transport
A LETTER stressing that the quick and effective gritting of frostbound roads and the prompt clearance of snow is a direct and important contribution to the,war effort as a......
Interesting Test Of Dustbin Collection
riROM Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd.,, comes news of an interesting test of a 10/20 C.R.C. Thornycroft dustbincollecting vehicle carried out at the end of November. The nuniber of......
Technical Officers Required For R.a.f.
V ACANCIES still exist in the R.A.F. for technical officers for employment on engineering, armament, and signal duties. The following minimum qualifications are required :—......