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Tir Handbook
• Transport handbook publisher Kogan Page (01-279 0433) is about to launch a new book aimed specifically at international operators — "A Manager's Guide to International Road......
Leasing Guide • Trimoco Vehicle Leasing Has Produced The...
of its series of guides to contract hire. Entitled The Grey Areas of Contract Hire", the 16-page booklet deals with the points that, according to Trimoco, can lead to disputes......
Yoricsibre Snufre
• Seddon Atkinson is reorganising its sales, service and parts representation in Yorkshire — which is currently split between Hindles at Bradford and Comberhill Commercials at......
Road Rescue • The Road Rescue Recovery Association Was...
last summer as a national association for garage operators who also run recovery services (CM August 16). Now it has established a national office, an association logo and a......