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The Chameleon
Designer: Hai Shan Deng, Industrial Design Education, Linz, Austria The designer has certainly pursued the futuristic theme with this offering.The cab sits up high, facilitating......
Ant-city Transport
Designer: Szabo Levente, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary Like the designer of the Two in One, Szabo Levente has looked closely at the issues of......
Two In One
Designer: Karsten Willmann, Hochschule far Technik und Wirtschaft, Dresden, Germany We thought this was the latest refuse truck offering from Dennis at first glance — although......
Plicar Designer: Tobias Wohlfahrt, Hochschule Der...
This concept focuses on the urban delivery round and employs a novel extendible chassis frame to adapt to the volume of the load carried. The side curtain allows easy access to......