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Transfer To A Licences Completed
'THE final sta g e of transfer from I special-A to A licences held by McKelvie arid Co. (B.M. and P.), Ltd., Barrhead, was reached at Glas g ow last week. Mr. W. F. Quin,......
South Wales Transporter Case Fails
A LTHOUGH there were no car trans1-71 porters in South Wales. an application by a newcomer, Mr. B. E. Patterson, for an A licence, for two such vehicles, to be based in Cardiff,......
No Further Action By Mr. Hanlon
N O further action was taken by Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, Northern Licensin g Authority, at the resu m ed hearing of an in q uiry, held at the re q uest of Ditchburns, Ltd.,......
Offences Admitted
BUT GRANT MADE QEVER AL licensin g offences were admitted, at Glas g ow last week, when Arneil Car Transporters, Ltd., Stratheven, successfully applied for continuation of B......
Warned Not To Sign Blank Forms
A HAULIER, who can neither read dTh nor write to any g reat extent, was warned by Mr. D. I. R. Muir, Metropolitan Licensin g Authority, in London last week of the dan g ers of......