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.udicrous Folly' To Restrict )ad Transport Lord Chesham
EAKING at the annual general meeting )f the British Road Federation on Weday, chairman Lord Chesham said that mid be "ludicrous folly" for the Govern: to adopt policies which......
Mergency Braking Systems Taskers
ItAKING systems which will meet the requirements of the Ministry of Transregulations with respect to articulated :rs fitted with automatic couplings and ng capacities of up to......
Dunlop Talk About Wet Grip
T HE latest results of research by Dunlop engineers into wet grip of giant tyres was released yesterday. Since skidding accounts for 30 per cent of the road accidents in this......
Filliam Baird Acquires Jstralian Interest
Glasgow firm of William Baird Invest nents, a wholly owned subsidiary of ham Baird and Co. Ltd., has acquired a 35 per interest in the equity of Alhrans Group stralia) Pty., the......