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[people . '
Moving to SBRS SOUTHERN British Road Ser . . vices has appointed two new managers this week. John Tetsell is promoted from assistant manager to run the High Wycombe branch. Much......
Leyland Has Received Orders For More Than 2,000 Passenge...
worth over £35 million in the first five months of thi year. The value of the orders is for chassis and Leyland coachbuilding companies Charles H. Roe, Park Royal and Eastern......
Ford Prices
FORD Motor Co has denied a report in CM (June 3) that the company is about to increase the prices of its commercial vehicles. Since the last price increase of April 23, no......
The Banning Of Heavy , Lorri( From The Centre Of Kings...
Most of the costs amounting to thousands pounds — would have to I absorbed by customers an that would drive trade awa from the docks and therefoi the town. These were the main......
M-way Probe Sensors
EXPERIMENTAL equipment has been installed on the MI i Bedfordshire as part of the Transport and Road Researc Laboratory's programme of seeking ways to improve inform tion and......