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Eight Liverpool Hauliers Fined For Overloading
• Eight operators were fined a total of £920 with £246 15s costs in Liverpool last week for overloading and breaches of conditions, charges relating to the carrying of dolomite......
No Home Match Excursions
• New North Western Traffic Commissioner, Mr. J. W. Kane-, joined Mr. C. R. Hodgson in hearing an application in Manchester on Monday by Blundells Coaches (Skelmersdale) Ltd.,......
Transporter Win
• At Cockermouth last week Mr. I. A. T. Hanlon, the Northern LA, granted A. Piekthall, Cleator Moor, the addition of two car transporters to its B-licence despite objections by......
Iru Congress At Budapest In June
• The Kith MU Congress (International Road Transport Union) will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from June 10 to 13, with Mr. Lothar Raucamp (Federal Republic of Germany)......
Sutton Wants Small Vehicles For Big Ones
• A variation application by Sutton anc Sons (St. Helens) Ltd., was adjourned ir Liverpool last week so that witnesses for thf objector, Heaton and Sons Ltd., could givf......
'mind That Child'
• The Minister of Transport launchec RoSPA's National Road Safety Campaigt for Children and Young People in Londot last week. Mr. Marsh stressed some frighten ing statistics. In......