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Tv An Success Affects Lead Times Following Man Trucks'...
results in 2006, its strong financial performance is continuing into 2007. According to firstquarter results, the German manufacturer boosted its share of the European truck......
Driver Jailed For Smuggling
AN ESSEX TRUCK driver has been jailed for 15 years by Canterbury Crown Court for smuggling more than a million ecstasy tablets and 45kg of amphetamines into the UK. The court......
Second Crisis Hits Amtrak
AMTRAK EXPRESS Parcels, recently saved from administration by another express parcel company. faces a winding-up petition from an Anglo-Irish freight company. Amtrak was bought......
M25 Crash
A crash on the M25 in the early hours of Monday (7 May) involving an LGV and a recovery vehicle has left six people dead and one badly injured. The Dunchurch Motors recovery......
Gps System
European Transport Solutions has designed a GPS safety system called Indic8tor for LGV operators. It costs under 2100 and has a database of over 12,000 locations.......
Teesport Hq
Short-sea operator Containerships Group is streamlining its UK operations; Teesport will replace Felixstowe as its UK operational centre.......
Woman Killed
A woman has died after being crushed by a truck at the Port of Dover.......
On/off-road Tyres
Dunlop has launched the SP382 and the SP482 tyres for on/off-road running. The SP482 drive tyre is aimed at tippers, concrete mixers, cranes and other plant operating primarily......