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Liability Minefield
■ CCORDING to a recent British Safety :ottncil survey British industry is in an larming state of ignorance over pening legislation and the latest develop :tents in the product......
Iazard )arking
JEST Midlands Fire Brigade c ent 1 y discovered that lmost half the tankers carOng hazardous loads which 'ere parked in three Midland .?.rvice stations on the M5 and 16 did not......
Glasgow's Bus Problems Go On
GREATER Glasgow PTE's three-week old maintenance workers' strike looked no nearer solution as we went to press, following a breakdown of talks at the Advisory, Conciliation, and......
Ilfeights Battle Cry
LABOUR MP's call for lorry weights ) be held down has been criticised by ie two main road haulage bodies. MP Walter Johnson said: "Every vailable Parliamentary device should e......
Westm Ns Ter Haul
JUST ABOUT scraped through that was the verdict on how the Government dealt with its most serious life-or-death problem at the start of its last session. No, we are not talking......