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Heavier Lorries Must Come, Claims Rha
AN URGENT NEED exists for the Government to permit the use of goods vehicles in excess of 32 tons weight and dimensions greater than 15m; this is the Road Haulage Association's......
Photoelectric Wash
3ITE lorries are being cleaned regularly at the West Moss pen-cast coalmine at Cowdenbeath in Fife. Murphy Brothers Ltd, which s working the site upon the ■ lational Coal......
Closen Thi Links Fowler
BOTH the Ministry of Trans port and the Chartered In stitute of Transport were es tablished 60 years ago and so i was appropriate that Normal Fowler, Minister of Transport......
Mitchell Cotts Profits
Operating profits at the Mitchell Cotts Group have declined, and much of the blame for this lies with the engineering industry. They have gone down from £10.2m to £7.2m, but......