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M.o.f. Rates For Fish Haulage
T HE Scottish Carriers and Haulage Contractors Association is actively defending its members against an extraordinary attitude on the part of the Ministry of Food. It appears......
Cotton Transport Pool Formed
A RISING out of the joint Cotton t'LCarriers' Conference, a new organization, to be known as the Lancashire Road Transport Cotton Pool, has come into being. Through this......
The Year's Activities Of The B.r.f.
ti A N extensive report of the work of the British Road Federation during the year 1940-41 has been sent to us by the, honorary secretary, Mr. F. G. Bristow, C.B.E. The period......
Goods Vehicle Basic Ration Reduced By One-fifth
A S from October 18, the basic ration of fuel for goods vehicle's is to be reduced by one-fifth. That for publicservice vehicles was discontinued on September 19, the whole......
Fuel For, Excursions And Tours
T HE Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport was asked last week by Mr. Wedgewood whether he was aware that motor coach companies, in spite of the urgent need......
Ministries Institute Wtensive Road-safety Campaign
T HE drastic losses on' the roads of this country' have brought about the institution of a new road-safety campaign by the Ministry of War Transport and the Ministry of......