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Tyne Tunnel Not The Answer—report
A SURVEY of traffic conditions on Tyneside, carried out by King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne, is now being considered by the Tyne Tunnel Joint Committee. It indicates that the......
Coxon's Lose Vehicle
IN a reserved decision, Mr. J. A. T. I Hanlon, Northern Licensing Authority, has deleted one vehicle from the A licence held by William Coxon, Ltd., Anfield Plain (Thi......
Van's Shape Blamed For Accident
T HE shape of an Austin A40 van was blamed at Reading, on Monday, for an accident involving a cyclist. The van driver, Frank Catt, Amity Road, Reading, denied interrupting the......
Bedford Six-wheeler Introduced
T HE Primrose third-axle conversion produced by T.G.B. Motors, Ltd., Clitheroe, Lanes, has been applied to a Bedford 7 - ton chassis. The resultant six-wheeler is to be tested......
Haulier Reassured On Normal User
O CCAS1ONAL journeys up to 10 per cent, outside his normal user would be quite in order, a Welsh haulier was told by the North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. R.......