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Scare Tactics?
The figure of 60 additional deaths per annum, given by the BRF in their comments on road cuts and quoted under the headline "Tragic cost of road cuts" in CM, appears to be a......
We Leave It To Readers To Judge. Ed
Glasgow monopoly I refer to the report headed ''Glasgow sorts out monopoly - . I do not know the source of your information but the situation is that the Greater Glasgow......
A L Am Told There Is An Official Committee Considering The
subject of Industrial Democracy. Could you say whether this is so and, if so, what is the background and the likely outcome? A The Bullock Committee on Industrial Democracy has......
Q I Am Told That The New Eec-type Drivers' Record Books
must be used exclusively very shortly. What is the date from which only this type of book will be accepted by DoE enforcement staff and the police? A lt was announced by the DoE......
A L Am To Be Prosecuted After Police Stopped My Vehicle
which they say was making excessive exhaust noise. A hole was discovered in the exhaust where the pipe joined the silencer. Though my driver had not reported the defect, and......
Q I Understand That If I Buy A Vehicle Capable Of
being operated at over 7.38 tons gross then I must have an hgv licence. If I buy this vehicle with the intention of operating it below this gross weight can I have it plated at,......