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Aach V Rail )mparisons
E rail/coach fares comparison international services in CM, gust 6 was very misleading. or example, while you Tectly quoted our standard d single rail/ship London-Paris e of......
Jr Socks Need !fling Up
IAT's wrong with the road ilage industry today, with 10,000 firms folding since recession began? et me give you an example. required a valuable machine vered from Glasgow to ds......
Eight-wheeled Ignorance
HAVING READ the comments of David Gill (CM, August 20) re garding Iveco/Magirus eightwheeled vehicles, I am concerned at his apparent lack of knowledge in this sphere. The......
Just A Lot Of Hot Air
I HAVE READ with deep concern the article (CM August 20) which I understand is the result of an interview given by Patrick Jones and obviously taken very much out of context.......
M. J. Feeney
Managing Director Applied Water Energy Ltd 62 Saltoun Street, Glasgow • Mr Feeney misquotes our headline, which was not a statement but a question: "Just a lot of hot air?" Our......
Avro's Slanging Match
IN A LETTER (Dear Sir, CM August 27) A. J. Beddard of B and W Commercials, of Walsall, wrote: "Isn't it about time that members of the national committee of the Association of......